Getting Over the "Perfect Girl"

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    • Getting Over the "Perfect Girl"

      I'm going to attempt to shorten this story, so I don't drive away readers, bc I'd really love some advice.

      Basically I was in love with this girl for a while, longer than I'd like to admit without being embarrassed. And I did (and I guess I still do) consider her the ideal girl in my mind (maybe bc of my limerence, debatable). Recently I decided it was time to move on, so I told myself I did and tried to forget about her. But I ended up slipping, and regressing. Which I hated.
      So just before midnight on December 20th (c'mon, the world was going to end) I told how I felt, and she responds the next day saying she's never felt anything more than a close friend towards me (we're good friends on a swim team together). So I thought that was it, and I just had to get over it.

      Now if we backtrack to November, I commit and enter a relationship, which is technically a gay one, though I still identify myself as straight, as does he. But he and I have a healthy relationship, coming up on 5 months. I love him to death, I really do. I feel so strongly towards him, and I just care so much.
      The issue I've been having lately is that I keep looking at my life and regretting not taking other opportunities, opportunities to date girls I liked or could have liked. Is it bad to feel this way? I don't want to break up with him, it would kill us both, but idk, sometimes our relationship just feels different.

      Any ideas?
    • Re: Getting Over the "Perfect Girl"

      Weird situation bro! I was in love with a girl for a year before I told her, took me another year to get over her. I'm still pretty sure that I would regress if I saw her again and ever since I've never really had a crush... No one can live up to the standard she set.

      Anyway, good luck, and my only advice is to try taking a break from seeing her for a while and focus on this guy. (Question: are you sexually attracted to him or is it platonic? I have a strange asexual thing myself and could probably go out with guys if I found them astheticaly attractive)
    • Re: Getting Over the "Perfect Girl"

      Kick her butt off that tower you have put her on No girl is perfect. If you are enjoying the relationship you are currently enjoy and don't leave it. Everybody has the what if's even when they are in a relationship I still have them and I've been with my fiance for 2 years. It's human thought of how would my life turn out if I had chose this way instead of that way.
      But you both need to come out of the closet there is no such thing as two straight guys having a romantic relationship you are both either gay or bisexual.
      But you did what a lot of guys and girls don't have the balls too you told her how you felt and yes she rejected you. But it seems like you have moved on. Don't look back You never go forward in life if your always looking behind you
    • Re: Getting Over the "Perfect Girl"

      Now if we backtrack to November, I commit and enter a relationship, which is technically a gay one, though I still identify myself as straight, as does he. But he and I have a healthy relationship, coming up on 5 months. I love him to death, I really do. I feel so strongly towards him, and I just care so much.

      What baffles me is that you're straight, yet you got into a relationship with a guy but you both still consider yourself straight? I think you're in denial.

      This whole thread is confusing. You're on about a girl you love but you have never been with, whilst you're in a relationship with a guy? Then you go on about opportunities you've missed. Firstly, you and that girl were never together so you cannot possibly be experiencing heart ache like you would from a break up. Secondly, you shouldn't be falling in love with random people, whilst in a relationship. Thirdly, with the opportunities thing. If you regret missing opportunities, set it as a goal that you will accept more opportunities when they arise.
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