Will a guy get annoyed if you keep texting him even though he didn't text back

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    • Will a guy get annoyed if you keep texting him even though he didn't text back

      Me and this guy were constantly texting each other when I first gave him my number....but then after like 2 weeks we kinda stopped...and now when I text him our conversations are really short. We hung out like a week ago because I told him to come over, and he texted me first the next day but we didn't talk for long. He hasn't said anything about hanging out again, so should I bring it up? Or should I wait for him to make the effort? I texted him like 4 days ago, but he didn't text back so if I were to text him again tonight or tomorrow, would he get annoyed?
    • Re: Will a guy get annoyed if you keep texting him even though he didn't text back

      Guys change their mind, get busy or get bored, it's just how they are when they're complete douchebags. He's probably come across another girl he prefers over you and so he talks to her more and is more interested in getting her. Just the way of life. If he starts paying an interest in you again, the other girl probably told him to fuck off. :)
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      is it like pro life?
    • Re: Will a guy get annoyed if you keep texting him even though he didn't text back

      I've made this mistake...please don't do it.
      Call him once more, if he is cold-distant-nonchalant, as hard as it is get over him and go find someone else. idk if you've seen the movie "his not that into you" but it rings true when the main guy character tells the girls that if he REALLY wanted her, he would be running after her and nothing would stop him.
    • Re: Will a guy get annoyed if you keep texting him even though he didn't text back

      no no no... you dont understand... its a thing guys do. like im doing it to this girl right now. she texted me first and i said whats up, the next day she texted but i didnt answer.. i do this a few times a week. it gets the girl to want you more. i made this mistake with the girl im still in love with but she doesnt love me back. we got to know eachother for a few months, then i got really clingy and controlling over her. now she hates me, and now that this other girl likes me i think, i sometimes ignore her texts, but it seems to work with you, because you like him
    • Re: Will a guy get annoyed if you keep texting him even though he didn't text back

      Guys I think will appreciate it if you text them first. Sometimes though, they wouldn't want girls to be importunate or something (I just translated the term "makulit"). I think enough texting is fine. A friend told me once that he hates me because I always have to wait for his texts. :lol: I've received the same exact words from a man whom I was involved with a few months back. I think when you do not text them in as much as they expect you to, they'll think that you're not interested. I'm not sure, that's just me.