I miss my ex. Should I tell him?? Help!!???!?!?

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    • I miss my ex. Should I tell him?? Help!!???!?!?

      Me &&'d my ex broke up 8 months ago. I was the worst girlfriend ever. And he thought I liked his brother but we were just bestfriends. I miss my ex SOO much though. 'Nd we always make eye contact He use to call me once in a while maybe once a month or two. but then we changed our house phone and i never hear anything from him. like ever.. unless we talk in school wich only happens maybe once every three or four weeks. when i got sent out of school he asked me a whole bunch of questions and acted like he was suprised when i told him i wasnt coming back till next year. He dated a girl for about 5 or 6 months ((((on and off)))and i dated someone for three after we broke up but the last time he called me on the phone they only were dating for a month and he said he didnt even like her... was just dating her cause everyone told him to. nd the next day in the lunch line he'd said he had the best girlfriend in the world. and there was only like 6 people in the lunch line so i obv heard it. and there not dating anymore they stopped dating about a month or two ago.i didnt even like the guy i dated. Nd this boy that i wasnt allowed to talk to when we where dating i made out with him and when my ex found out he was like eeeww how could you? and i smoked with him about 3 months ago and he made me makeout with his friend and asked me to kiss him but i told him i couldnt because he was dating the girl i just beat up two weeks ago and got sent out of school cause of. haha. when i was still in one of his classes i could see him stretch over and look at me out of the corner of my eye when we where watching movies in that class. the other day i was walking past the school in the morning to go to the other school my friend ran and jumped on me and gave me a hug and when i let her go i was smiling and i turned around and we made eye contact for a sec. then i went and talked to the guy who was calling my name from beside him.......but anyways i miss him k and i dont know if i should tell him. Xoxo help please?thanks.:( :hugs: