Struggle (spoken word poem) Please read

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    • Struggle (spoken word poem) Please read

      I would love any comments and any critism thank you:)
      This is a poem i wrote for my english class he told us to write it from the heart/experience.

      People say they know struggle
      Honestly most people don't know
      what the struggle really is.
      Struggle isn't complaining because
      you dont have enough for the new shoes
      The struggle is
      her clenching stomach
      the wondering if,
      theres gonna be food at home
      trying to eat enough bread before school,
      because she dont have money to get food at school.
      Going home opening that fridge
      already knowing there's nothing there.
      Her stomach hurts so bad she looks anyway
      Laying in bed at night hoping that
      when they get paid they have enough money
      to make it to at least next pay day
      The struggle is
      wearing the same 2 pants every week
      washing them everyday
      hoping no one will notice because
      she aint got enough cash to buy more
      the struggle is pain
      not pain from not getting what you want
      but pain
      of not having what you need.
      Thats what the struggle is.