How Do You Make Friends?

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    • How Do You Make Friends?

      I realize it's kind of a weird question, but due to the school I've been going to for the last two years, I forgot how to make friends. I didn't have any friends when I got there, and I didn't really make any there. I had friends a while ago, but since then I just forgot how to make new friends.

      Now I'm going to a new school where I don't know anyone, so I figure this could be a good opportunity to make friends. Except, I don't know how. If anyone could help me out on this I'd be very grateful.

    • Re: How Do You Make Friends?

      Try joining a club at your school to find people with your interests. Start up a few conversations with some of the people there, and hopefully things will go well. :)
      And like la rubia loca said, everyone's always interested in the new kids. Chances are, people will talk to you to see what you're like.
      Just make sure not to be too clingy. That could accidentally scare would-be friends away. :o
    • Re: How Do You Make Friends?

      I just try to be as relaxed as possible, and try and be funny, which I always fail to do, but yeah, it gets friends, as they appreciate the effort.

      Why do you care what people think?
      Are you hooked up to their leash?
      You know anklebiters, ate up your personality.
    • Re: How Do You Make Friends?

      You have to approach people and initiate conversation. That's one of the main things. Our current friends were once strangers before, so thinking back, you really don't know how you made friends before? As suggested by another user, you can try joining a sports team (if you're into that) or perhaps a club where you'll find others with common interests. Honestly, it all comes down to whether you'll put yourself out there and actually interact with others. Make small talk at first, some conversations don't get very far and that's fine, but at least say hello and such. Introduce yourself as well. It can be a bit difficult making new friends but I think you'll be alright.
    • Re: How Do You Make Friends?

      I'd say just be yourself. Don't force yourself on anyone. Kind of keep to yourself for a bit but then get involved in group discussions and things which will give you a chance to show your personality. If you have a good, confident personality then you'll find it easier to acquire friends as they'll be attracted to your personality.
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      la rubia loca wrote:

      what is prolapse?
      is it like pro life?
    • Re: How Do You Make Friends?

      Like someone mentioned, initiate! No one else will, especially seeing as you're the new kid. They have no reason to seek new friends since they'll already have formed their cliques.

      Confidence is everything. Hold your head high, feel a sense of pride in yourself. Let them know that you're the new kid by sticking out. That doesn't mean be a loud mouth, but carry yourself with strength. People will notice.

      Best way to start is in class. Sit next to people who aren't clearly stuck around huge groups of their friends. Comment on the course here and there, ask them for a paper, say "hey" and "bye". Good start.
    • Re: How Do You Make Friends?

      You probably don't want to try this one;

      I just be my regular sarcastic and humorous self and if people somehow warm up to me, great.
      If not, we wouldn't have gotten along anyway.
      I'm not overly concerned with making friends though to be honest because I'm perfectly happy with the ones I have already. Gaining new ones is just a bonus.

      Im also not in school though, I work for a living. Might make a difference in your approach.
      June 26 2010<3
    • Re: How Do You Make Friends?

      Shonna wrote:

      You probably don't want to try this one;

      I just be my regular sarcastic and humorous self and if people somehow warm up to me, great.
      If not, we wouldn't have gotten along anyway.
      I'm not overly concerned with making friends though to be honest because I'm perfectly happy with the ones I have already. Gaining new ones is just a bonus.

      Im also not in school though, I work for a living. Might make a difference in your approach.

      Yes, being in school makes a big-ass difference. When I was out of school I found it way easier to be more of a hermit, and it worked just fine. In high school, you're screwed if you're the loner kid. I'm not saying popularity is everything at all, but let's not kid ourselves here -- if you're the outcast, you risk getting your ass kicked. Teenagers are brutal. ;)
    • Re: How Do You Make Friends?

      ^^ haha idk, never really had that problem.
      Despite going to a large highschool and such, there weren't really the cool and uncool kids.
      There were drama geeks, football players,cheerleaders,band geeks,emo kids etc, but they all intermingled fairly harmoniously.

      ...Probably because just about everyone was always high, but you know:)
      June 26 2010<3
    • Re: How Do You Make Friends?

      I think a good way to make friends is to be unique, people will appreciate you and they'll follow you first. Talking about this, I'd like to make some new friends, could you go on youtube and write "LukesPath"? That's me, and if you want to you could even follow me on Twitter (My name is LukesPath) :D