Why do so many Americans have such an issue with discussing state sanctioned malice?

    • Why do so many Americans have such an issue with discussing state sanctioned malice?

      That thread title more or less says everything that needs to be said although the words, "Australian" and "British" might also be added into that as well.

      When did the western world become such quaking cowards before their unelected leaders?

      Is it because they disagree with the concept that they're worthless in the grand scheme of things, or worse, that they're unable to see that they're worthless when it's pointed out?

      It's liking running head first into lobotomized Rhinos on MAO inhibitors sometimes...

      While I cherish human life and particularly my own, there seems to be a recurrent theme amongst the general population of their respective nations.... namely that their (realistically) unelected two party cunt-faces are looking out for their best interests when not in active pursuit of all the fruits of their labour without the backlash of pots and pans bashing, or worse, revolution with guns not previously handed in a legally mandated buy back scheme with big media buy-in.

      I believe in reality.

      If you're one in 6-7 billion people, the reality of the matter is that your life and ambitions are pretty far removed and inconsequential to the policy makers who are too busy living high on the hog at your expense, yet never happy being a middle manager in the world scheme of things.

      The mental illness is theirs, not yours (unless you're close and keen in joining their sellout ranks)...

      ...yet some would suggest that it is I and those who think for themselves like me that possess the mental illness.... for some odd reason....

      So let me rephrase the question... "Why do so many Westerners have such a problem admitting that their States hate them and want them to die a lingering death of taxation, want, need, and patriotism?"

      I'd really like to understand.
    • Re: Why do so many Americans have such an issue with discussing state sanctioned mali

      I think it's because our country is so divided and partisan at this point in time. 10, 20, 30 years ago, the tensions between the parties weren't as great and you had more people in the middle who voted Conservative and Liberal. Now you're torn apart if you stay in the middle (I've tried) and you're pretty much forced to pick a side.

      For example, my mom hates the Democratic party, but she hates what the Republican party has become even more so (she used to be a Republican and was raised in a Republican household) and now votes solely Democratic just to try and keep Republicans out of office in our area. (I suppose she's an anti-Republican Republican?)