Graduation Present

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    • Graduation Present

      I began dating "B" towards the middle of April this year, and we've moved pretty fast with sex and "I love you". He's a year above me and officially graduated along with his friends yesterday. He's very into zombie movies and we were talking with him and his two friends about going to see the midnight premier of World War Z when it comes out on June 21st. I certainly earn enough money at my current job to be able to purchase 4 adult tickets for us to see the movie, but I'm wondering if I will seem to be coming off too strong towards him and especially his friends if I buy their tickets as well? One of them has recently graduated and another one is already in college, and I was planning on taking us as a "graduation present" but should I include their tickets in the total or invite them and ask that they buy their own?
    • Re: Graduation Present

      If they want to come, let them buy their tickets. It's not a deal with money necessarily, it's just that I think that it's not necessary to buy their tickets.
      Why do you care what people think?
      Are you hooked up to their leash?
      You know anklebiters, ate up your personality.