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    • hi my name is sarah i am 15 years old and i have a 11 and half year old brother we are wicked close but lately he is becoming really nosey nd curious about everything always trying to look in my room to see what i'm doing which can be akward at times. and the other thing is he's wanting to wrestle and rough house a lot more resently and i have no idea why or whats going on his head i ask he just giggles so any advice or any idea why yall think he doing it would be very helpful ?
    • suggest you tell him to respect you as a woman and a older sister. he obviously is seeing how far you will let him go before saying no. do you have a boyfriend? if you do you should have him tell your brother you are his girl and he doesn't want other guys playing touchy feely with you. that will avoid hard feelings between you and your brother while backing him off from getting off by playing with you. he is obviously feeling his puberty oats swelling

      i am assuming you don't want to have a romantic relationship with your brother. if you do then let nature take its course
    • My older brother tries to fuck me in my ass hole. As exact and as accurate as can get. As where his piece comes toward this body from and of him. an to write. Let me make me honest. Mom figures there is off so go back to other bedroom. Am aware of his attempt to rape but too younf to understand more than a dick hard.
      ---- Am a little cute blonde elf, sweet as a tree, and he wants to fuck me. He wants it hard, as he says so to this mere elf, a new to sex elf, but an elf. Older brother says he wants 'it' hard, He says so. . hard. Twewnty years later does he try again. Yes, as he has a witness. ELF evicts thRe witness, the next victim, by elfic vocal insensual evaluates. That male goes walking away to brother's ascond. Am to also go so do so go away.
      --- Is this enough ? Wink Wink or no go ... your choices.
    • Dear sarah ,
      Your brother is growing up and that's nice :)
      I think you should involve your mom that help you keep the RED LINE .
      You are growing women also , privacy is important ! to you and for him.
      Try help your parents to achive the boundaries goals and help your brother too by answering him his questions and curiosity also.
      Maybe he is unaware to his sexulty hormons and so ....that us boys .....we need extra time to understand :)

      Your parents is the first priority and the most helpful entity for this situation as i think :)
      Feel free ask any quastion.