How do I tell my mom that I want birth control?

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    • How do I tell my mom that I want birth control?

      I already know that it's going to be rough to try and tell her, because she's automatically going to assume I'm having sex and she will freak out. I honestly want it because I heard it can help regulate your period and make your skin better. Also, in the even that I do have sex, I want to make sure it's safely (I'll take other precautions too) and I just feel like it's the best thing for me to do. I could never tell her that, though. I have no clue why, but I just can't. I feel like maybe it would be better to tell a doctor I wanted it or something, because my mom obviously won't let me get it if I tell her that and she will probably make me try and take some kind of pregnancy test and shit because she will think I want it because I'm running around having sex with 20 guys and all. That's not the case, of course. My sister is on birth control for her skin and is NOT sexually active and did not even want the birth control for that reason, which I guess gave my mom some peace at mind. Since my skin isn't that bad, if I told my mom I wanted it for that reason she would tell me that it wasn't worth investing in it and trying to get it if that was the case. That's kinda the problem here. I have absolutely no confidence that I can tell my mom and that anything will change my mind about that, because she literally terrifies me even if I have to ask her a simple question about where the tampons are or something because she makes a huge deal about stuff like sex and such. It's weird. I don't understand it, and I don't want her freaking out on me if I ask for it. However, obviously if I tell a doctor she's going to find out about it because they'll tell her, but how would I even tell a doctor? Like I said, I can't say that I want it for my skin because they'll say it isn't necessary. What can I do? Or can I even do anything at all?
    • Re: How do I tell my mom that I want birth control?

      just tell her what u told us
      assure her you are not sexually active but you are experiencing irregular flow and discomfort during your period and you want to go on birth control because it helps ease your hormones.
      if she freaks out tell her to take you to a doctor and have u examined and then she will see your hymen is still intact... a doctor can tell if you have been sexually active
      if she doesnt believe you her own daughter thats pretty sad
      [FONT="Tahoma"]Keep Calm And Love Minions <3[/FONT]
    • Re: How do I tell my mom that I want birth control?

      Tell her what you told us - I'm sure she'd also be relieved that you're lowering your chances of giving her a grandchild so early in your life as well as understanding you are doing it for your periods.

      Telling your mother stuff can become easier over time - my relationship with my mother grew greatly the second time I came onto Depo-Provera when I told her that I was using it for my periods and because I am sexually active. My mum seems more trusting of me also, she happily lets the guy I'm dating stay round and such, knowing that I won't get pregnant. In fact, I'm sure that's the reason I'm the 'good child' compared to my sister, because my mum is aware of what I'm doing and I will tell her the truth about what she wants to know regarding myself.

      I can't guarantee it'll work out the same for you, but I'm sure she'd understand your reasons - besides if I was a mother, I'd be happier knowing that my daughter was being more wary despite the reasoning of it.

      [SIZE="1"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Black"]When the city sleeps, I'm wide awake.
      You know what I see? High rises. Low lifes.
      Bright lights and back alleys.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

    • Re: How do I tell my mom that I want birth control?

      I think uve missed the point complicated - It's not just about the sex.

      I'd say you just need to get down to business and talk to her straight up! I'm a guy so guess I'm lucky that I dont have that kind of problem, but you need her support and you wont get that unless you are honest.

      Good luck and hope things work out for you soon:)
    • Re: How do I tell my mom that I want birth control?

      loserforlife wrote:

      I think uve missed the point complicated - It's not just about the sex.

      I'd say you just need to get down to business and talk to her straight up! I'm a guy so guess I'm lucky that I dont have that kind of problem, but you need her support and you wont get that unless you are honest.

      Good luck and hope things work out for you soon:)

      Doesn't matter, it is still part of the reason.
    • Re: How do I tell my mom that I want birth control?

      Why should you tell it to your mom, especially when your mom has such behaviour towards you, about sex topics? Your sexual life is YOUR private thing/business. Your mom does not tell you what she is doing with your father in their bed, either.

      P.S. Always have (in your pockets or hand bag) male condoms, so that it can prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections including AIDS. Learn how to use it properly and always check out whether the male put is properly on his peniis. (You, by yourself, can put it on his peniis to be sure it is properly done, so that it can prevent pregnancy and AIDS.)

      Using pills cannot prevent AIDS.

      That information about better skin is not proved, anyway!

      P.S.: Of course, you can use both, at the same time (condoms as well as pills to be 100% sure).

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Xololo ().