I just want to help people.

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    • I just want to help people.

      So i'm seriously considering studying psychology once i leave school. Not to sound sick, but i find people with mental illnesses highly interesting - i want to know how they think and why, how they got to be that way, how to spot the signs, and most importantly, how to help them get through it. I naturally love helping people.

      So that's the reason why i want to take up this area of study. The problem?

      To be able to so such a thing, a master's degree is necessary. I totally don't mind doing another year of study, but my doubts are getting in the way. What if i don't get into the master's program since they only take about 15 students in each course, or i fail it, then i'll be stuck with a degree that'll get me into the office job i've never wanted at best. Or what if by the time i finish my studies, and there's no demand for people of my profession anymore? I realize i'm being paranoid. There's clearly a demand for clinical psychologists in my country right now, and i'm (not bragging, but) above average at school.

      Tl;Dr - I think i may have a passion for what psychology can offer, but the future scares me. Should i still go for it?

      Extra note: My plan B is to take up software engineering or computer science and attempt to major in graphics and visualisation, since maths and physics are my strong points..
      [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Plum"]"In reverie, I smile
      Imagining when I will lie close to you."
    • Re: I just want to help people.

      Who only takes 15 students each course? You do realize there are a million schools that offer a masters program in Psychology, right? When you apply for grad school, you don't just apply to the school you got your undergrad in, you apply to a TON of schools. It's also your opportunity to move around and possibly get to experience a new country that maybe you wouldn't have gotten to otherwise.

      Secondly, there will never not be a demand for therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists. Just like doctors, nurses, vets, etc. People will always be mentally ill, it's not something that comes and goes. My best suggestion would be to do internships- as many as you can find, throughout your undergrad. Volunteer where it applies, internships, and obviously get good grades. This will make you a more desirable candidate when it comes to applying for grad school.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: I just want to help people.

      The fact is, the economic climate right now sucks...it sucks big time!

      I would never discourage anyone from chasing their dreams, go for it! go for it at full speed! what I will say is, dont be scared of taking the long path to reaching your goal. maybe to earn enough money you have to work as a care assistant instead, helping to feed or bath those that can no longer take care of themselves - this shows dedication to the job.

      If you put your mind to it, you will succeed, as scary as it is have faith in yourself:)

      also yes, there will always be demand:)
    • Re: I just want to help people.

      :clap:I also say go for it. I think it's great that you want to help people. If you can't get into one Master's program I bet there are more out there you could get into.
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