help pleeeeeeease!!!

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    • help pleeeeeeease!!!

      So me 17 and my boyfriend 21 have been together 7 month and lived with eachother for 2 my bofriend and dad have not exactly met as it was bot a long distance but distnt relationship they do get on when I have phones hom etc... Anyway my birthday is coming up at the end of the month and we wanted to get engaged but well we couldn't afford it but lately there has been a lot of baby talk I adore children we went to my boyfriends family party I was with the babies and toddlers all night I have always worked in nurseries I just adore children but now the baby talk has risen we are hoping to start trying on my birthday so basically I'm asking how would my family react my mums been over and met my boyfriend but when I moved all my family was sayi.g don't get pregnant I'm too young blah blah blah but honsetly that's all I want to do
    • Re: help pleeeeeeease!!!

      The idea of having a baby is a lot different then having one. A good friend of mine had been wanting to have a baby since she turned 14. She, like you had volunteered then worked part time at a few daycare centers. She was so in love with them and wanted so much to have one.

      At 16 she met the "love of her life", a 19 year old guy, they started dating and soon after started talking about how they wanted to get married and have a big family.

      Sure enough after about four months of going out she got pregnant. She started talking about how they were going to now get married and have this big family they had been planning.

      Three months later he dumped her and told her he was to young to settle down, he was 20 at the time, plus he didn't really want to have any children anytime soon.

      So now, 6 months after she turned 17 she has a baby girl she can't afford, she has dropped out of school, gained 50 pounds., hates her self and now cry's all the time that if she had know how hard it really was to be a mom, she never would have had the baby.

      Its up to you. You may be mature enough to handle a baby. But is he?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BailyZ ().

    • Re: help pleeeeeeease!!!

      He is more than mature enough and I doubt we'd split up as every night nearly we lay here watching one bore every minute and he starts crying because he wants one just as much me he's already out there supplying for the both of us.keeping a roof over our head and when we babysit hes just amazing.... and I thought the legal age for sex was 16? And yeah he could do but we have been together for 7/8 month so its obviously consented
      [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][COLOR="red"][COLOR="Pink"][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] If only fools fall in love then im one hell of a fool...:love1:
    • Re: help pleeeeeeease!!!

      okay dont take this the wrong way im just trying help but my sister was just like u at 17 she met the love of her life who was 23 and she wanted a baby with him. they dated for a year till she got pregnant he left her but then came back. but my sister is currently going around to high schools talking about being a teen mom. things she says u need to think about nefore having a child that she clearly didnt becasue everyday she struggles:
      1. do u have a steady job to raise a kid. pay for diapers weekly, all the baby food, or medicine if the child is sick, afford daycare, are u prepared on waking up every single night for who knows how long and multiple times a night to feed the baby or change the diaper.
      2. simply just because ur around kids and hang out with babies or toddlers dont really do anything. u might learn a few things but it takes a lot of responsibility.

      you're very young you should be wanting to go to college and going after your dream job. once u have a good steady job and money and are more responsible then your ready.
      your not a fool for falling in love you just need to wait a while and have ur life steady cuze once u have a child everything will change.
    • Re: help pleeeeeeease!!!

      You're a fucking tool. lmao

      Take it from someone who's due next month(Also where the hell is Heather??) babies aren't cheap. My husband is turning 25, I will be 24 in December, he has a university degree, I have two college diplomas. We both have great careers, and money will still be tight.
      "Adoring children" and raising one are two different things.

      To give you a ball park estimate for baby costs alone, I'll list what we've spent so far just to get started and keep in mind, 90%+ was bought used. We didn't buy new unless we had to.(keep in mind this does not include other bills) We are also fortunate enough to have the full support of our families behind us(and always knowing we would have it as well, there was never any question when we planned to get pregnant)

      Crib & Mattress(new & on sale)-$250.00
      Suitable stroller for our lifestyle( New and on sale )-$325.00
      Convertible car seat(New and on sale)-$97.00
      Change Table & Pad(Antique chest of drawers and a used change pad)-$180.00
      Pack and Play(new , liquidation sale)-$75.00
      Infant swing(New, liquidation sale)-$85.00
      Rocking chair for nursery(Antique,$75.00+$30.00 for seat cushion.
      High Chair(Kijiji, slightly used)-$70.00, regular $140.00 new.
      clothes(ALL used, should last mostly until she's about 12months)-$105
      Childrens books-$0 so far as they were all left from our own childhood.
      Crib sheets(1 new, 2 handmade)-$25.00

      We haven't bought diapers yet, but the average baby will go through about 7000 of them per year at an average annual cost of between $1750-$2500/year.

      If you have difficulties breast feeding, lactation consultants cost $200+ per visit.
      If you can't breastfeed, formula will run you about another $1800/year

      All the little random baby items such as bottles,pacifiers,clothes etc were about another $180, obviously bought new. It's not recommended to buy used ones.

      This is only just the beginning.

      If you're from the states, let's not forget about those fantastic medical bills for the OB visits and the delivery. Add another several thousand to that if you end up needing a c-section.
      Not to mention, what if your baby has physical/mental issues, there's more money for medical bills.
      You're kids. lol
      If you can't even afford to get engaged and actually start planning a life for yourselves properly, you will not be able to afford to raise a child and provide it with everything it needs, let alone be able to provide it with the kinds of opportunities all kids should have in life.
      Don't be selfish just because you have baby fever.
      June 26 2010<3

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Shonna ().