What do i do?

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    • What do i do?

      Ive started to like this boy but i dont know what to do. When i was lower down in high school he asked ne out about five times, i said no each time. My 'type' used to be the jocks as you would see in chick flicks and he isn't a 'jock'. Its changed now, but i dont know what to do.
      Ive been off school for months now trying to recover from glandular fever and i havent seen him in a while. I had to go in for my exams and i saw him and the feelings came back and i havent been able to stop thinking about him:/ for the last year he and this other girl had been going out then friends and the last time she was crying he was really upset. So i dont know if there still seeing each other or not( because i havent been in school) I've checked his facebook page ( as you do) but thers nothing about hime being in a relashionship. Im to nervous to talk to him on facebook. Im quite old fashioned with social networking I'm rubbish. I find it really hard to talk over a computer i much prefer it being face to face. I dont know what to say to him. Ive looked online on what to say to boys what to ask them, but im still too nervous. Im usually fine talking to boys i can joke and laugh with them but when it comes to matters of the heart i shut down.
      Someone please help me!
    • Re: What do i do?

      If ComplicatedMind's advice doesn't settle for you, you may want to just meet up. Say your planning to go somewhere and ask him if he wants to join you. If he does, Great! If not, maybe another day? You then have some proper time alone together, where you can choose to tell him in person (which is most nerve-racking but best in my opinion) or leave it at just friends.

      All the best, Ant.