Should Muslims be allowed in the military

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    • Re: Should Muslims be allowed in the military

      O.J. Simpson wrote:

      That's great and all, but their religion still makes them inherently inferior morals wise and there's no reason to trust them haha

      People who are actually religious, have better morals than atheists in general. That is, if they understand the meaning of their religious text.

      Most terrorists can't even understand Arabic, they just start mugging up the quran as kids. (Like most Afghans..Persian, pashto yes.. but they don't know arabic. Almost all my muslims friends don't know arabic.. they just do what they are told by mullah ) They have no idea what the Quran actually says.

      Islam also has different communities. Some of them modern in thinking and outlook.. Some forms of Islam more radical than others.. Like Wahabis.

      It doesn't necesarily has to do with religion, its more cultural.

    • Re: Should Muslims be allowed in the military

      AutumnRose wrote:

      People who are actually religious, have better morals than atheists in general. That is, if they understand the meaning of their religious text.

      Most terrorists can't even understand Arabic, they just start mugging up the quran as kids. (Like most Afghans..Persian, pashto yes.. but they don't know arabic. Almost all my muslims friends don't know arabic.. they just do what they are told by mullah ) They have no idea what the Quran actually says.

      Islam also has different communities. Some of them modern in thinking and outlook.. Some forms of Islam more radical than others.. Like Wahabis.

      It doesn't necesarily has to do with religion, its more cultural.

      I'm not so sure about that. I think there is a basis in the Quran for what they do, it's just that a lot of Muslims either interpret it differently or ignore those parts.
    • Re: Should Muslims be allowed in the military

      Leonodas wrote:

      I'm not so sure about that. I think there is a basis in the Quran for what they do, it's just that a lot of Muslims either interpret it differently or ignore those parts.

      Saudi Arabia follows Sharia law. They mostly belong to wahabi sect..(radical in their thinking).. Women can't drive, cannot travel anywhere without a male escort.. or permission slipe et.
      I have seen people belonging to Bohri shia communities, much modern in their thinking and outlook. Omanis are Ibadi muslims.. they are extremely friendly and again modern in their thinking (I have lived there for 10 years!). They don't hate westerners or anything.

      Misinterpretation is one reason. But under what circumstances do people become terrorists. What pushes them to it? Poverty, crimes against them by another community?

      Is it just because of their religion, they probably see it as war against their own religion as a whole.. Though, historically speaking muslim invaders always appeared to be more barbaric (timur's massacre of Delhi would even put, Mohd ghazni.. etc ).

      U.N. Security Council's imposition of economic sanctions on Iraq was one of the motives stated for 9/11 attack which led to widespread poverty in the country.. Hatred only spawns hatred. That could be another reason..

    • Re: Should Muslims be allowed in the military

      Wow, not only is The Bombest a dumb fuck, she's also an ignorant, racist bigot.
      I bet your parents are proud of you, sweetheart.

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    • Re: Should Muslims be allowed in the military

      AutumnRose wrote:

      People who are actually religious, have better morals than atheists in general. That is, if they understand the meaning of their religious text.
      False. Doing good because you believe you'll be rewarded for it in an afterlife isn't moral. Doing good for the sake of doing good, and expecting no reward in the afterlife, is moral.

      I have a pretty large problem with this part of what you said:

      That is, if they understand the meaning of their religious text.
      Who's to say they don't? The hateful verses in the Quran (and to some extent, the Bible) are there in black and white. I'd argue that the "extremists" are the true religious believers, and that's why religion is fucked up.
    • Re: Should Muslims be allowed in the military

      O.J. Simpson wrote:

      False. Doing good because you believe you'll be rewarded for it in an afterlife isn't moral. Doing good for the sake of doing good, and expecting no reward in the afterlife, is moral.

      Who's to say they don't? The hateful verses in the Quran (and to some extent, the Bible) are there in black and white. I'd argue that the "extremists" are the true religious believers, and that's why religion is fucked up.

      Personally, my only gripe with Islam is that it was all written by one man and/or his descendants. He took the Bible and made it an extension of his political weapon -- first thing he did was went and slaughtered the Jews and infidels of Mecca after massing an army in Medina.

      I would argue that at least in the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus doesn't tell anyone the extreme things that you see in Islam -- if anything, that's all Paul, whose letters appear after the death of Jesus and whose ideas are dubious at best. Even then, at his most extreme he isn't anywhere near some of the accounts of the Hadith (supplemental books to the Quran).

      You have to remember, while there many accounts and interpretations of the things Jesus did, his message was the same. The only reason we see what we do in the Bible is because of the Council of Nicaea back in the days of Byzantines, who basically picked and chose what scriptures would go into the Bible. Hence, our Bible today, and why I would take things like the letters of Paul with a grain of salt.
    • Re: Should Muslims be allowed in the military

      O.J. Simpson wrote:

      False. Doing good because you believe you'll be rewarded for it in an afterlife isn't moral. Doing good for the sake of doing good, and expecting no reward in the afterlife, is moral.

      I have a pretty large problem with this part of what you said:

      Who's to say they don't? The hateful verses in the Quran (and to some extent, the Bible) are there in black and white. I'd argue that the "extremists" are the true religious believers, and that's why religion is fucked up.

      When I said people who are actually religious, I mean those who bother to understand the text, those who believe in good and evil, inculcate good values. Such people are well cultured, people in such socities are more respectful to each other.

      You're talking about hateful verses in the Quran. Are you saying that you have read it?
      As for what I said that they don't. I'm speaking from experiance. I have muslim friends who don't know Arabic.. (Hardly anyone reall knows arabic..How are they supposed to understand it if its in a foreign language?) I had seen a segment on discovery channel long time ago, where they showed kids learning the quran without understanding in madarsas (their native language being pashto, urdu, persian etc..

      I personally know people who have memorised the whole quran without really knowing what is written (They start learning it as kids)

      Plus, terrorism is a creation of US. Jihad bdw, according to the Quran can only be declared on another Muslim country.

      US encouraged the mujahdeen to turn them against the soviets. (The concept of jihad had been dead for centuries until the US bought it back to life:lol:)

      Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Pretty much have themselves to blame


      The post was edited 1 time, last by AutumnRose ().

    • Re: Should Muslims be allowed in the military

      Their religion is more important for them than the country they are living in, so I would say no, they should not be accepted in the army, because one day if their religion would say kill all people you are working with, a lot of them will do it.
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    • Re: Should Muslims be allowed in the military

      Some of you guys are so naive its fucking sad. "If a musljm had a guy the troops would be dead" man that sounds as fucking stupid as when the muslims say "the videos are planted by your government for you to turn against us".

      The reason there are extremists is because they are uneducated. Islam is at the phase of adoleses much like how Christianity and Judaism was at one point in time. And no most muslims dont want sharia law. The reason you say that is becajse sharia law is the only thing you people have heard about. They want laws derived from the Quran. And there are two types sharia and fiqh. Sharia is when laws are taken from the Quran with no interpertation even if it contradicts the morals of islamic teaching. Fiqh take in the importance of the time the law was given, islamic morals, ect. The extremists are those who want sharia. And there are not very many.

      Not only that but their countries suck because of all the conflicts. Western countries are not having trouble because they have already past this phase in tjme while eastern countries are going through it. Trust me when i say under development of countries effect the minds of people.

      And for goodness sakes guys have alittle respect. The shit you know is very limited. I am not the most wise person but i know this shit. Much like how you hate people talking shit about things that matter to you muslims hate when you talk about their religion and because the countries are so bad religion is all they really got.
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