Losing My Love?

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    • Losing My Love?

      Ok, so i recently moved back to moms house and out of my boyfriends, for those of you who dont know the story, my mom basically kicked me out for her own reasons.... anyways, i was gone for a bout 3 or 4 months and i finally came back.

      while i was living with my boyfriend it was very hard, we fought a lot about money and our living situation.... i am only 16 and it was a very stressful thing for me to deal with. having talk to my mom she finally let me come back home, but its caused more problems between my boyfriend.

      first we had problems because we were always together and now were having problems because were both having separation anxiety. i dont know its stupid. and now im starting to feel like we are not togeher. our love doesnt feel the same. we dont text anymore and its my fault. i dont text him back because we dont talk about anything and hes always working....

      it makes me sad, it really does... and i dont know what to do.. im either smother or seperated. i told him that me moving out would be best for our relationship to give us some space but he doesnt agree that it will help and takes it as me breaking up with him or me wanting to be with someone else....

      sometimes i think about being with someone else... and i know thats bad on my part... my whole family has met him, i met his family. I AM PART OF HIS FAMILY. and i feel bad... i dont know how i will deal with things if we ever broke up officially.... i mean, i wouldnt mind so much, but then i would because what would i do with my self? where would i go when i wana go out?

      i dont have any friends or anyone i trust so its really hard to make decisions for my own... i know this seems very shallow of myself because i am being selfish, but i dont know what to do anymore... someone help me.... )':

      i dont want to lose our relationsship, i dont want to lose him, but will that be whats best????
    • Re: Losing My Love?

      There is no "best" decision in this case I feel. Choose one way or the other and stick with it. Learn from your experiences. If you feel sad because you don't text as much anymore, send him a text right then and there! You're young and haven't had many experiences with other people, therefore it's only common sense that you would start to wonder about being with someone else, it's only natural curiosity. That's probably the man reason why most teenage/young adult relationships fail.