Signs he likes me back?

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    • Signs he likes me back?

      Hi everyone, I’m new here and English isn’t my main language so sorry if I make any mistakes, but I have a lil problem with my crush... It would be very nice if you could help me!

      So, at my school, there is this boy, he’s one year older than me and he’s in year 11 (I’m in year 10). I noticed him in January and I just thought ‘wow he’s really cute’, just the stuff girls think when they see a cute guy ;)
      I didn’t really believe that he might notice me, but he did.
      Over weeks then, we’ve had a lot of eye contact (the thing here is; he didn’t look away when our eyes met (like shy guys usually do, I thought...), he just stared at me!) and also there were some signs that could mean something.
      For example, once we were in the supermarket near our school to buy lunch, when I nearly bumped into him and his mate. No big deal, but then his mate said something like ‘ooh’, but not like ‘ooh she bumped into us’, more like ‘ooh look who we’ve got here!’ – you know what I mean?
      Another sign was when we were in the cafeteria, my friend and me sat on a table, which was right in a corner and we could look directly to my crush and his mate. But he sat with his side to us, so we could ‘observe’ him without any doubt but if he wanted to ‘observe’ us without looking suspicious he should have turned his chair 45° (can you follow me? ;D sorry for my English again, I hope you understand what I want to tell you :/).
      And that’s also what he did, even if his friend sat opposite, he turned his chair around so that he sat opposite us. I wasn’t sure about the meaning behind this gesture, because why the hell would someone just turn his chair AWAY FROM YOUR MATE OR WHATEVER?!
      Later, I read something about body language because I’m very interested in it, and there people spoke a lot about the feet. If someone’s feet are pointing towards you, it means that his/her whole attention applies to you. And that what happened with my crush, his feet were pointing towards me, and also, he sat there like he’d have a lot of confidence (that’s what the body language book said^^, I don’t know if it’s relevant here xD).
      I was so confused about that cafeteria-thing...!
      But that’s not all, another time he and his mate were walking past us (his mate was having a phone call btw) when suddenly he teased my crush by touching his elbow (he sort of pinched it haha^^) and I guess everyone knows that teasing can mean something very good ;)
      The thing with the chair happened again another time, it was kind of the same situation as in the cafeteria…
      And then the last ‘very obvious sign’ was when the girls from his class saw that I stared at him a lot and then they teased him by hugging him and giving him a high five and so on. And when he was hugging these girls, he always looked at me, like he wanted to make sure I’m watching and maybe even to make sure I’m getting jealous (this sentence sounds so wrong ;D)…
      Basically, this is the main part of my story, I could tell you much more things about all the things he did, but most of time it was just staring at me.
      Please can someone tell me what all those things mean and what I should do? Because we’ve never talked but I really want to get to know him! This is like the first time ever someone really shows interests in me and I just want to utilize this…!
      Thanks for helping me out, love you guys xx
    • Re: Signs he likes me back?

      All this is so cute! I can't remember the last time I had something cute like this.. It's really hard to find nowadays if you know what I mean..^^ Anyway.. That's definitely something and you should try and speak to him. Somehow, I don't know. Maybe over Facebook like most teenagers do? Actually, that would be the best idea if you don't have much confidence (would be less awkward). But it's completely up to you how you gonna do it, if you want to talk to him in person for a first time - do it.. You definitely shouldn't miss this opportunity..;) Best luck to you!
      Check out my music @
    • Re: Signs he likes me back?

      I think you should approach him. Next time in cafeteria, sit next to him and introduce yourself and your friend. Next time you "bump" him, talk to him and introduce yourself. I think the whole chair thing means anything, nor does his mate pinching him, but staring is a clue. Try to make the first move on him and see how he opens up. Some times it only requires one act of courage in order for the person to do the same in return.
    • Re: Signs he likes me back?

      Adolis wrote:

      All this is so cute! I can't remember the last time I had something cute like this.. It's really hard to find nowadays if you know what I mean..^^ Anyway.. That's definitely something and you should try and speak to him. Somehow, I don't know. Maybe over Facebook like most teenagers do? Actually, that would be the best idea if you don't have much confidence (would be less awkward). But it's completely up to you how you gonna do it, if you want to talk to him in person for a first time - do it.. You definitely shouldn't miss this opportunity..;) Best luck to you!

      you really think so? :blush: but ehrm I have another problem haha, he doesn't have facebook or anything like that... How shall I talk to him then? Do you guys think it's strange when someone just says hi to you in the hallways? Even if you may 'know' her?
      thanks for your help, it means a lot!
    • Re: Signs he likes me back?

      That's one of the problems teens have nowadays is all they Do is text and talk on social networks. Next time you get a chance just talk to him. Sounds like he likes you. Go for it, better to screw up or find he doesn't like you then to not ask at all and never find out. Last thing you want are regrets or "what ifs?". Good luck and please update soon :) Id love to hear what happens :D hope I helped.
    • Re: Signs he likes me back?

      MorningWood wrote:

      That's one of the problems teens have nowadays is all they Do is text and talk on social networks. Next time you get a chance just talk to him. Sounds like he likes you. Go for it, better to screw up or find he doesn't like you then to not ask at all and never find out. Last thing you want are regrets or "what ifs?". Good luck and please update soon :) Id love to hear what happens :D hope I helped.

      ok, thank u! I will, but we have holidays atm so y'all have to wait a lil bit haha^^
    • Re: Signs he likes me back?

      All the signs he is giving are positive, and he is anxiously awaiting you to respond positively (and not just merely keep eye contact with him). Next time you are near to each other, try to give him a nudge; bodily contact means a lot to a guy. It is obvious to me that he is anxious to make closer contact by you, but is awaiting a positive indication from your side that you will not reject him. Guys are generally fearful of being rejected. So: say something to him (even if it is only "hi"), wave to him, or just do not pretend not to be interested.