Am I Depressed Or Should I Snap Out of It?

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    • Am I Depressed Or Should I Snap Out of It?

      Hey! I'm a newbie, and I hate to start on a downer, but I really need to get something of my chest...

      • I've been feeling pretty low, but a weird sort of low.
      • I feel very sad, like that sort of unexplainable sad, where you just want to cry a lot.
      • I feel pretty worthless and stupid, I feel like others make me feel I'm stupid because I'm different.
      • I feel tired all the time, and I don't even do sports or exercise, with no energy to do simple tasks.
      • I get all of these unexplainable aches and pains and headaches.
      • I feel really nervous about doing the most common things, like going to the beach, attending parties or social gatherings, and leaving the house etc.. or even walking to school! If I had the option, I'd stay at home for the rest of my life.
      • I feel angry when I know I have to do schoolwork, art requests, hang out with people. School work used to help me get over my sadness but it makes me feel worse now because I'm not doing as well as I'd hoped for.
      • I feel very lonely all the time, I'm not sure if I have any real friends.
      • I feel that people feel very awkward in my presence and don't want to be around me ( but I'm not rude, mean or selfish, I try to talk to people and I listen etc.)
      • I don't trust anyone.
      • I have no interest in my favourite hobbies anymore. I don't read, play the piano or draw. I love art, or I used too, but now I avoid it and all I do is eat, sleep and watch films. I'm really scared for my future because I don't have the drive to work hard or achieve my goals like I used too
      • I'm quite different physically and mentally compared to all of my peers at school. I get on really well with most adults, I have interests that are different, and I look very different (I'm albino, so I also have visual trouble.)
      • Sometimes I want to hurt myself or others (I've cut myself once or twice, but knew it was wrong and have been channeling my emotions into my writing), and have thought about suicide (would never do it though).

      Its been happening for 3 years now since I've been in Secondary School, I've wanted to tell my parents, but they are going through struggles of their own and I don't want to bother them.

      I'm sure it's nothing, but I just want to be reassured.

      Its so weird though, I'm in my mid teens, and I have a wonderful life, I have parents that love me, little sisters I adore, a nice house, a few friends, and I'm physically fit and healthy, school's a bit of a drag but nothing majorly bad has never happened to me, but I feel so lonely and sad. That's why I've told no one, people will think I'm attention seeking or just being ungrateful, (like some girls in my year group, they'll tell the whole world they are depressed like it's a trend! I hope I'm not like that).

      I just need a little advice from someone else. Am I depressed? Is it a phase? Should I seek help? Or am I being stupid? The main problem is, I have no real reason for it at all. Is anyone else like this?

      Thanks friends, see you around!

    • Re: Am I Depressed Or Should I Snap Out of It?

      Pink_ wrote:

      if you are really feeling that bad, then definitely talk to your parents or at least someone who you trust :c it wouldn't be bothersome to anyone if this is a serious issue, because it could get worse and i'm sure neither you nor them would want that D:

      Thanks, I will try to, I really appreciate the feedback :)
    • Re: Am I Depressed Or Should I Snap Out of It?

      Maybe try to speak to a councillor at school or something? Where you can get help but confidentially, because its understandable if you dont want to talk to your parents about something.

      Depression doesnt always have to have a cause, people can just feel this awful low. Talk to who you can about it, and try to indulge in things that you enjoy hobbies or just simply lie and listen to music.

      Also try to some sport or exercise, not only does it help to clear your mind but the endorphins released during it make you feel better :)

      Its not easy girl, you just gotta soldier on though
    • Re: Am I Depressed Or Should I Snap Out of It?

      Pink_ wrote:

      no problem girl, hope you feel better <3

      :) :hugs:

      ---------- Post added at 09:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 AM ----------

      Chrisss wrote:

      Maybe try to speak to a councillor at school or something? Where you can get help but confidentially, because its understandable if you dont want to talk to your parents about something.

      Depression doesnt always have to have a cause, people can just feel this awful low. Talk to who you can about it, and try to indulge in things that you enjoy hobbies or just simply lie and listen to music.

      Also try to some sport or exercise, not only does it help to clear your mind but the endorphins released during it make you feel better :)

      Its not easy girl, you just gotta soldier on though

      Thanks you so much for the advice :D
      Yes I tried the councillor, but I stopped going after 3 weeks because she forgot about it, haha, but I'm going to try and find the right moment to tell my parents.
      I've definitely got to try and do more sports :D

      Thanks so so much :hugs: