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    • did you seriously compare pregnancy to cigarettes?... what the fuck? you're fucking oblivious aren't you? oh yes lung surgery and killing a child are the same thing. yup? i guess that also means that my hand is actually an egyptian pharoah? based on you're fucked up logic.
      One does not simply taste Jade's flavour.
    • Kyle. wrote:

      Pink_ wrote:

      Kyle no one is interested in your prochoice shit
      I'm only prochoice because who am I to restrict the rights of women?

      Jade G. wrote:

      Pink_ wrote:

      Kyle no one is interested in your prochoice shit
      thank. you. spoke my mind
      you don't get to have an opinion until you're 18, so run along
      i'm 18 in 4 months so... nananana, and are you my boss? no?? then get out of my lane. i can have an opinion if i want
      One does not simply taste Jade's flavour.
    • Im almost 13. I watch the news. Hope I never need an abortion... but if Im raped at 14... if my creepy uncle gets way too close... if... if the father turns out to be horrible bastard that runs off and leaves me with no money.. no place to live.. no way to buy food...no way to pay for a hospital bill for a baby.. no car.. the moment I tell him Im pregnant. ..maybe in any of the above cases I would want to keep the baby.. also maybe there are times when I wouldn't be able to take care of myself or a baby... i sure as hell know I want to make the choice.. not a bunch of Republican do gooders just making laws to get re elected.. not making laws they really believe in.. keep the damn Republicans out of my vagina!!
    • Renalynn89 wrote:

      Im almost 13. I watch the news. Hope I never need an abortion... but if Im raped at 14... if my creepy uncle gets way too close... if... if the father turns out to be horrible bastard that runs off and leaves me with no money.. no place to live.. no way to buy food...no way to pay for a hospital bill for a baby.. no car.. the moment I tell him Im pregnant. .. maybe there are times when I wouldn't need a baby... i sure as hell know I want to make the choice.. not a bunch of Republican do gooders just making laws to get re elected.. not making laws they really believe in.. keep the damn Republicans out of my vagina!!
      Trust me, us Republicans don't want in your vagina.
    • Because Republicans have so restricted abortion.. Particularly in Texas.. Over 10,000 women and girls gave themselves coat hanger abortions last year. Some of them died doing so. Many others nearly bled to death. Most hurt themselves so bad either by puncturing their uterus (full of blood vessels and not designed for coat hangers) or through infections that they will never be able to have the baby they want when their situation is right to have one. This is what happens to women and girls when Republicans make rules that control your vagina. Abortions still happen.. Just the quality goes down. Often to the point where the Mom loses her life.. Or can never have a child.. ... Repubicans in Texas now force many women and girls to go to Mexico for abortions. It isn't right. They should be able to get quality health care in America... Not some risky dirty shack in Mexico... Where you can't even drink the water... What if the poor little girl.. Already in bad shape.. Gets thirsty?
    • I don't feel bad for those women giving themselves coat hanger abortions. It's sad but they made the decision to attempt to murder their own child, and that is an unforgivable act. Republicans are not trying to control women and tell them what to do, they expect us all to take responsibility for our actions and you know, not commit murder. Shouldn't be too hard now should it?
    • ok.. so closing down places where women and girls can get a safe, healthy abortion... because of what? Some politician's faked religious values? Faked values they use to get re elected... and say now an extra.. unwanted.. unloved.. uncared for baby is born... who feeds it? Who makes sure it learns to read? Who makes sure she is loved, cared for.. kept warm through a cold winter... who makes sure she is given pretty clothes and kind words... Who makes sure she is happy and doesn't end up a naked 13 year old girl chained to wall in a basement.. cold as hell.. dirty as hell.. with a bucket as a toilet.. eating rotten scraps of old food.. for years.. with no one... and nothing.. crying but no one cares.. or even hears.... who was supposed to care for her?
    • you see psycho people in a line jumping up and down yelling "no abortions" and whatever all over the news... they have such "high" values they want to impose on everybody else... but one doesn't ever see them in a line waiting to pick up an unwanted child so they can sacrifice themselves by taking care and providing for the unwanted children. Their values are not so high they want to help. They are so fake!
    • what? I think it needs to be read again.. people.. women.. children.. are important too... those dang republicans.. only care about a fetus.. once the baby is born... "repeal every word of obama care" - with no back up plan... they complain about the high cost of the school lunch program for poor kids... then reduce taxes on the super super rich...(the same super super rich who just closed a factory.. laid off your parents... and sent another 100,000 jobs to Vietnam) ...spend 500 million to drug test people on Welfare - then only save 50,000 in reduced bennifits because out of 1.7 million tests only 12 tests came back positive... they pass all laws to insure those fetuses can kill each other when they grow up with easy access to assault riffles.... the republicans are the first to fight for the death penalty. How can someone be pro life and pro gun and pro death penalty and anti health care and anti poor school lunch program at the same time...

      Once a fetuse is born the born fetus is just as important as a yet to be born fetus. If we are pro life it needs to be real pro life... pro life for all humans...not pro life... but just for a fetus..screw it once its born... that is the contradiction my friend...

      If a mom knows there is no way to care for a child the mom should not be forced by others to do what the others want... when the orthers wouldn't really know what "pro life" was if it jumped up and smacked them in the face!.. pro choice wins... because it actually is way more pro life!