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    • martinBoy98 wrote:

      Pink_ wrote:

      martinBoy98 wrote:

      Pink_ wrote:

      martinBoy98 wrote:

      I'll be direct, I'm for pro-choice...
      I'll be direct, you're a fucktard.
      I haven't offended you. All we have right of free speech, after all. If you don't like it, go to Iran or Pakistan...
      Saying that you believe women have the right to end the lives of their unborn children is pretty offensive to me.
      I don't know what is offensive in having different opinion about this topic. And, every democratic country provides you right on abortion. It's on woman will she do it or not. But it's important that woman HAVE RIGHT TO CHOOSE, that's all. No one forces you to agree with it, just accept the fact that there are people who have different view on some aspects than you. Having right to choose, liberty, that is point of life. Just imagine what is it like in El Salvador, one of many countries in Latin America where abortion is forbidden. Even in cases of rape. Imagine that....
      I could give a better shit whether our opinions differ on most topics. Most topics, however, are not about whether or not a women can commit an act of murder. It makes me both laugh and cry to hear that people still believe abortion is not murder. When you get an abortion you are doing so with the intention to END A LIFE. That is murder and should absolutely 100% NOT be legal. A women can do whatever she wants with her body for all I care: she can wear short skirts, walk around with her boobs popping out, etc. But where I draw the line is when women want to end a life that they consciously created. That's inhumane and actually just plain old disgusting. You saying that giving a women the right to choose if they want to is like saying someone who buys a gun has the right to murder anyone with said gun. Sounds a little ridiculous doesn't it? What makes a human being outside of the womb more important than one inside of the womb?
      You mention rape, and while I feel so sad for anyone who has to go through such a traumatizing experience, two wrongs do not make a right. Not to mention, rape cases are only a small percentage of those who abort their children. A huge majority of abortion cases are because a woman had unprotected sex/protection failed and she does not want to deal with the consequences. When I got pregnant at the end of October, it was completely unplanned. I didn't even know the guys last name and he wanted nothing to do with me. I had just turned 20, was living in a house in my college town and having a fun time. Going out, getting drunk, while also pursuing a college degree at a good university. Most people in my situation would get an abortion. It was offered to me for free by Planned Parenthood. I could've easily pretended that it never happened. Pretty much every single one of my friends tried to push the idea at me, but I know in my heart and soul what abortion is. It's an easy way out for those who can't take responsibility for their choices. And it's murder.
    • Pink_ wrote:

      martinBoy98 wrote:

      Pink_ wrote:

      martinBoy98 wrote:

      Pink_ wrote:

      martinBoy98 wrote:

      I'll be direct, I'm for pro-choice...
      I'll be direct, you're a fucktard.
      I haven't offended you. All we have right of free speech, after all. If you don't like it, go to Iran or Pakistan...
      Saying that you believe women have the right to end the lives of their unborn children is pretty offensive to me.
      I don't know what is offensive in having different opinion about this topic. And, every democratic country provides you right on abortion. It's on woman will she do it or not. But it's important that woman HAVE RIGHT TO CHOOSE, that's all. No one forces you to agree with it, just accept the fact that there are people who have different view on some aspects than you. Having right to choose, liberty, that is point of life. Just imagine what is it like in El Salvador, one of many countries in Latin America where abortion is forbidden. Even in cases of rape. Imagine that....
      I could give a better shit whether our opinions differ on most topics. Most topics, however, are not about whether or not a women can commit an act of murder. It makes me both laugh and cry to hear that people still believe abortion is not murder. When you get an abortion you are doing so with the intention to END A LIFE. That is murder and should absolutely 100% NOT be legal. A women can do whatever she wants with her body for all I care: she can wear short skirts, walk around with her boobs popping out, etc. But where I draw the line is when women want to end a life that they consciously created. That's inhumane and actually just plain old disgusting. You saying that giving a women the right to choose if they want to is like saying someone who buys a gun has the right to murder anyone with said gun. Sounds a little ridiculous doesn't it? What makes a human being outside of the womb more important than one inside of the womb?You mention rape, and while I feel so sad for anyone who has to go through such a traumatizing experience, two wrongs do not make a right. Not to mention, rape cases are only a small percentage of those who abort their children. A huge majority of abortion cases are because a woman had unprotected sex/protection failed and she does not want to deal with the consequences. When I got pregnant at the end of October, it was completely unplanned. I didn't even know the guys last name and he wanted nothing to do with me. I had just turned 20, was living in a house in my college town and having a fun time. Going out, getting drunk, while also pursuing a college degree at a good university. Most people in my situation would get an abortion. It was offered to me for free by Planned Parenthood. I could've easily pretended that it never happened. Pretty much every single one of my friends tried to push the idea at me, but I know in my heart and soul what abortion is. It's an easy way out for those who can't take responsibility for their choices. And it's murder.
      I don't see point of debating on this, and I really don't want, because there is no way. In a nutshell, these debates are on level of kid's "whose dad is stronger" debates, where, clearly, is no right opinion. I think one thing, you thing the other. I just expressed my opinion, with full respect towards people with different. From my perspective that's absolutely OK, and I don't even try to impose you my opinion, which you're trying, on other side. If you think that, leave the other people live as they want. Like someone fucking cares what is your or mine opinion, OK, you think this, I think that, no one cares, you keep that for you, I keep that for me, both of us satisfied. Again, thank "God" we're both living in democratic countries, where women CAN CHOOSE, and that certainly won't ever change.
    • Pink_ wrote:

      I don't feel safe knowing there's people on this site who are okay with the njrder of unborn children :S
      Yes, time to time I like to kidnap girls, rape them, and perform abortion on them.. I'm a abortion serial killer. I also rape unicorns, but don't tell that anyone, please...

      Well, then you shouldn't feel safe in your own country, knowing that it allows abortion... Or on this World, knowing that there are a lot of people who are pro-choice...
    • You're starting to get offensive martin. Emily has a mother's perspective on this topic which trumps all others and unless you get pregnant and understand it for yourself, then your opinion ultimately doesn't matter, it's best just to be supportive. Of the matter from a fathers perspective i think it's morally wrong to terminate a pregnancy before normal childbirth, it makes me sad to think people who are pro-choice obviously have little respect for a childs life, it honestly fucks me off so much
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • B'ni Dhana wrote:

      You're starting to get offensive martin. Emily has a mother's perspective on this topic which trumps all others and unless you get pregnant and understand it for yourself, it's best just to be supportive. Of the matter from a fathers perspective i think it's morally wrong to terminate a pregnancy before normal childbirth, it makes me sad to think people who are pro-choice obviously have little respect for a childs life, it honestly fucks me off so much
      You don't get me right. For God's sake, I don't say that we should congratulate every single woman that has done abortion. I just think that women should have right to choose, that's all, and it's their decision what are they going to do in the case of pregnancy, that's just not my business. It's just about democracy and human rights, nothing else.
    • martinBoy98 wrote:

      I'll be direct, I'm for pro-choice...
      i'll be direct, you're a dickweed

      martinBoy98 wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      wait til jade sees this

      Oh i can FUCKEN see it alright!

      martinBoy98 wrote:

      Pink_ wrote:

      I don't feel safe knowing there's people on this site who are okay with the njrder of unborn children :S
      Yes, time to time I like to kidnap girls, rape them, and perform abortion on them.. I'm a abortion serial killer. I also rape unicorns, but don't tell that anyone, please...
      Well, then you shouldn't feel safe in your own country, knowing that it allows abortion... Or on this World, knowing that there are a lot of people who are pro-choice...
      You're literally full of shit, what a way to state an opinion by admitting to so many criminal acts... i can see why you're pro choice, because not only are you an idiot... but you're a hysterical and psychotic one too

      martinBoy98 wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      You're starting to get offensive martin. Emily has a mother's perspective on this topic which trumps all others and unless you get pregnant and understand it for yourself, it's best just to be supportive. Of the matter from a fathers perspective i think it's morally wrong to terminate a pregnancy before normal childbirth, it makes me sad to think people who are pro-choice obviously have little respect for a childs life, it honestly fucks me off so much
      You don't get me right. For God's sake, I don't say that we should congratulate every single woman that has done abortion. I just think that women should have right to choose, that's all, and it's their decision what are they going to do in the case of pregnancy, that's just not my business. It's just about democracy and human rights, nothing else.
      OK HERES WHERE I DRAW THE SHIT. You fucken talk about human rights but... you know nothing! life begins at conception, abortion is murder becaue it is the act of taking human life. no fucking civilized society permits one person to intentionally harm or take the life of another person without punishment, and abortion is no different. as you said "Human rights" amirite? so, you're contradicting yourself in saying you're for human rights because the humans inside the womb essentially have rights too, but fucking justice ignores them! get fucked!
      One does not simply taste Jade's flavour.
    • martinBoy98 wrote:

      Pink_ wrote:

      I don't feel safe knowing there's people on this site who are okay with the njrder of unborn children :S
      Yes, time to time I like to kidnap girls, rape them, and perform abortion on them.. I'm a abortion serial killer. I also rape unicorns, but don't tell that anyone, please...
      Well, then you shouldn't feel safe in your own country, knowing that it allows abortion... Or on this World, knowing that there are a lot of people who are pro-choice...
      you should not say such awful things!
      Talent. Honour. Discipline... And pretty pictures :P
    • K so as a man, who the fuck am I to tell a woman what she can and cannot do to her body? Not really my place.

      Also, for all you saying you're killing a child, not really. A clump of cells is not equal to a child. You know what else is made of cells? Bacteria. You shouldn't take antibiotics if you're against killing things within your body that are completely dependent on the host. A fetus is a parasite. Please don't make me define that for you.
      i am the sooooon
      and the heeeeiir
    • Kyle. wrote:

      K so as a man, who the fuck am I to tell a woman what she can and cannot do to her body? Not really my place.

      Also, for all you saying you're killing a child, not really. A clump of cells is not equal to a child. You know what else is made of cells? Bacteria. You shouldn't take antibiotics if you're against killing things within your body that are completely dependent on the host. A fetus is a parasite. Please don't make me define that for you.
      If you would like to get technical then let us get technical. Everything is a clump of cells, so that point is pointless. Great job on defining bacteria but then again, everything is covered in bacteria so your comparison of bacteria and a baby is once and again pointless, your comment on antibiotics also is pointless because it is just another comparison of germs to a baby, a fetus can not be classified as a parasite if it and the host are of the same species. we are against abortion not curing colds. learn to differentiate you stupid canard.

      It is also a little sad that you like your own posts. Have you none to do that for you?
      Talent. Honour. Discipline... And pretty pictures :P

      Kyle fuck off with your constant bullshit, you're for what we choose to do with our bodies but are against our opinions? It's "not really your place" yet you still combat us, all your posts in this thread just exclaim fucken worthlessness. you can have your own opinion alright, but state it and move on, stop digging yourself a fuking hole with your lame ass comparisons and false bullshit, because you cant sway our mindset on this fucking topic.

      "oohh but i'm not trying too"

      then stfu. ... lol did you really like your own post? lolz
      One does not simply taste Jade's flavour.
    • Kyle. wrote:

      K so as a man, who the fuck am I to tell a woman what she can and cannot do to her body? Not really my place.

      Also, for all you saying you're killing a child, not really. A clump of cells is not equal to a child. You know what else is made of cells? Bacteria. You shouldn't take antibiotics if you're against killing things within your body that are completely dependent on the host. A fetus is a parasite. Please don't make me define that for you.
      A man doesn't choose to argue with women over a topic this delicate...
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey: