Getting bullied for dreams (Middle School)

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    • Getting bullied for dreams (Middle School)

      I'm getting worried about my future. My mom is very unhappy that I want to persue music as a career instead of a hobby. I am a classical musician, i think im good at it. Classical music is my passion. My mom knows i want to be in music but i haven't told her what part yet bc I'm afraid to. This is also combined with bullying at school. I want to be an orchestral conductor. Don't laugh- please. I think being a conductor is the coolest thing. I have vast knowledge of classical music and I catch on to instruments fast and I love the history and I just want to help an orchestra create great music. But at school when kids talk about what they want to do they always laugh at me when I contribute "I wanna be a conductor" and say "Nah maybe you should think about something else..." Even a teacher embarrassed me in front of the class by saying "er... wouldn't you like to make a more reasonable choice?" it was horrible. I was crying. I participated in a summer orchestra and I befriended the conductor. I summed up enough guts to tell him I wanted to be a conductor and I asked him for his thoughts, like if he thought I had potential and what I could do to study and whatnot. He totally believed in me, and gave me a gift of some orchestral pocket scores to study. He's the first person to believe in me, but I'm not sure if I'll have that much luck with my mother. And also, when it comes time for college, with my peers and teachers. I took community division lessons at the Hartt School of Music on violin for 2 years and hated it because my teacher treated me horribly and never said one good thing about me. If thats what a college professor is like, I'm afraid!!!

      If anyone could please give me some thoughts it would be greatly appreciated...