I'm not sure where we stand

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    • I'm not sure where we stand

      There's a girl in my grade (9)who I kinda like. We got talking on Facebook and I asked her out, to which she accepted. The date was prospective though, because the night was before her birthday, and she wasn't sure of her parents want to do something. We were both pretty excited to go, and we rather flirty that night and the next.

      Anyhow, the date fell though with her other plans and she said we could try again next week. I was cool with that, so it was good. Next day, I said happy birthday in her timeline, which she liked. I forgot I had plans that next weekend, so I pmed her and told her. She saw the message but didn't respond. This weekend, she posted one of the those dumb do this if you think this posters. I sent her a winky face meaning I want yo date her. She saw that too, but didn't respond.

      So what's going on? Worth mentioning that at school, we have not and don't often interact, but since the date thing she smiles at me a lot. So what is she up yo?