I really love him and I think he felt same u think I'll see him again!?

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    • I really love him and I think he felt same u think I'll see him again!?

      Well it's been like 3-4 months since I have seen him and I don't really know when I'm gonna see him again I just got out of the hospital because I was severely depressed about him and not seeing him ever again about the situation I still miss him deeply I'm trying to be the strongest that I can so that I don't get sick again it's hard but I'm trying the hardest I just really miss him and I have a feeling he might miss me but I don't know.

      You, see here's what happen a situation happen at school where people started lying and making up rumors (the adults) and I guess they didn't want and him together he had recently made a promise to me and then before he could fulfill or decline to that promise the adults started accusing me of stalking or following him which wasn't true me and the boy both have Aspergers/Autism so we don't know that non-verbal stuff and so I thought that the boy that I liked turned on me but it was actually the adults and the boy couldn't protect me because I guess he was scared since they were adults after this finger pointing situation happen they the adults wouldn't help us or let us reconcile.

      They told me that I made him feel very uncomfortable and that he's been bothered by me since we first met (which was a lie) later on I found out from an outside source that he had a meltdown and that it was because of me and maybe that he couldn't see me anymore and realized how much he really cares about or etc. I didn't find this out until too late because now his parents they think (my thoughts) it was my fault when it was the adults fault and now I have to wait until court to probably see him again and I hope I see him there because I miss him a lot. But now were not a loud to see each other on school grounds and I never got his contact info he only has my phone number and I don't even know if he still has it.

      We only like knew each other for 3-weeks to a month then this happened but we talked a lot in those 3 weeks and spent a lot of time together in school we also talked about dreams and ambitions we both wanted to go to LA. We held hands, kissed on the cheek etc. he was and is my friend and was so much more than to me too and I think that I was the same for him especially since he broke-down after what happen.

      I just didn't know he really cared about me that much I just thought I was another statistic even though we did converse a lot and were together a lot

      The last time my parent went up to the school they said that the adults said that he's forgotten all about me and has a girlfriend now but I don't know if that's entirely true.
      But I guess I really love him too and don't want to lose him because I realize how important he really is too me I mean I hope he hasn't forgotten about me my mom said that if he breakdown about me then he most likely still thinks about me and misses me and is probably on the rebound if he has a new girlfriend and will prob not forget about me and not to worry that I'll see him again.

      I have belief that will but why am I still so sad about him, if he's happy now why aren't I happy maybe he's not really happy I miss him so much I just wanna see him and give him a hug I just don't wanna lose him but I'm not trying to fall apart again? It's just so much sorry
      I mean is he really forgotten and over me that quick how come I'm not but I don't think we'll both really ever get over one another right? I don't think he's over me I mean he had a break down and I just go out the hospital like a 1 week ago and I'm still struggling and I've been holding this pain in for like 2 months??

      He was more than just a lover to me he was my comrade my friend someone I believed a lot in I miss him so much. The last time my bro ended up talking to him and told him that I miss him and think about him a lot and my bro said he said okay and looked like he was about to cry.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Anikia ().