I want my sister and mother to stop attacking me.

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    • I want my sister and mother to stop attacking me.

      I am submissive and passive, and my whole life my sister has taken advantage of that. She has verbally abused me, lied, threatened me with a hammer and even once accused me of feeling her up when I walked passed. And nothing ever gets done. Whenever I go to my parents she just lies and although my Dad knows she's lying, nothing happens. She just gets off scot-fucking-free. And then it starts all over again. Again and again and again nothing ever changes. And my mother attacks me for it. A few months ago I told my sister to turn her music down and she told me to go die in a fucking hole and rot in hell. And my mother just told me to get over it, they're just words. But when your own sister say it, when family says it, with such hate in her voice and this has been happening all my life it becomes something so much more, something you can't just fucking ignore. Just tonight she did it again. I can't even remember how it started but my sister just started saying that I've got no future, that my ATAR is going to be shit, that "by some fucking miracle you get into college, there won't be any spaces for teaching so you'll just be a fucking waste of space and money". Then she started attacking me through my ex, who lied to, cheated on and manipulated me. And that's when I had enough. I finally stood up for myself, told her exactly what I thought and then my mother came in yelling at me. And this is the beautiful part, when I told her what happened and what my sister was done, what she's always done my mother said this "You let her get to you". Once again in the twisted look of things, I am the bad guy. The one who’s fault it was. It was my fault that I wasn't insensitive enough to ignore when your own family, one of the people you love verbally abuses you as she's done so as long as I can remember. Even when I became suicidal she didn’t stop. Instead she used that to attack me, calling me weak.

      There's two people I go to when I need help. Two teacher who make the time to listen. And when I talk to them I don't tell them about my sister. Because we're twins and one of the teachers teaches her. Don't tell them because I don't them to think of her differently. Even when she me, I protect her image and how others would look at you or treat her. And when I told her that, she had the gall to turn around and tell me what she's been doing this to help me, all this time.

      I don't know what to do. I just want to wake up one day and not have my family just attack me. Please help me. It’s getting worse and I don’t know what to do.
    • Re: I want my sister and mother to stop attacking me.

      Sorry to hear that.

      I'll be honest, your sister sounds like a real bitch. She's obviously got some serious issues if she thinks it's ok treat anyone, let alone family like that. You sound like a good person, so you've got that over her.

      Is there a counselor at your school? They will be able to keep it confidential, providing you're not in any danger. Or maybe you could talk to the teacher who doesn't teach your sister?

      Your dad really needs to sort it out. Any idea why he hasn't done anything?

      Anyway, good luck. If you need to talk or anything feel free to shoot me a PM.