possible cheater

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    • possible cheater

      I was in my boyfriend of a year and a half's room and we were just cuddling in his bed. I had to get up to go to class so I went to get dressed and for some reason i looked over at this little pile of screws and other random things he had on his bedside table, and saw this ring. So I picked it up and looked at it, and it was probably silver with a line of square crystals on it, but two were missing. very obviously a girls. I asked him about it and he had no idea where it was from. I started crying and he comforted me and kept saying he didn't cheat and there was no other girl and he really had no idea why it was there. So finally I got up and went home since I already missed my class at that point, and I still have this uneasy that he's cheating on me. Then later that night I texted him and acted like it was no big deal and he said, and I quote "I wouldn't have believed me if I were you i don't think." before I left that day he said it might have been his ex's, but he hadn't seen her in 3 years. I never noticed it before, but I guess it could have been there. I never really looked. I went through his phone too and there were no other texts besides the ones he'd sent me and his best friend, and there were no contacts I didn't recognize. I really want to trust him but it's really hard. Am I overreacting? I'm also a little worried because he just turned 19 and he's been going out drinking with his friends a lot. please help.
      [COLOR="Magenta"][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="4"]☮☮☮Hope this helps♥ ♥ ♥[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
    • Re: possible cheater

      Man up girl. I can't believe you cried over a ring. It looked battered and worn by the sounds of it amongst screws. It's obviously not just been left there. It must have been lying around in his junk. It could be his ex's like he said or even his mothers. You are overreacting a tad.
      If you find girls underwear in his room, dodgy texts or lipstick on his clothes, then you can cry.
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