Unofficially official

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    • Unofficially official

      So I have been talking to this guy for about three months now. I know it isn't a long time but I really like him now. I never thought that I would fall for him because I have rejected him twice before.... But now that we have been talking and seeing each other and having sex I've come to really like him. When we first started talking we both agreed that we weren't ready for relationships and we weren't going to rush into one with each other. This is very new to me because I have only had two real boyfriends before him and I knew them for like a week before dating them. Don't get me wrong I have really enjoyed getting to know him and I Love the person he is. We both have told each other how we felt. And it's kind of the same. I mean I'm obviously more into him than he is into men the other day he told me that we should take a break. All I said was okay. I was not going to fight him on it. I asked him if I overwhelmed him and he said yeah so I told him that he should've just told me. I'm way more understanding than most girls so I would've taken it better if he had told me in the beginning. But now I'm really into this guy and join worried that while we are this "break" he's going to realize that he doesn't want to continue our "relationship". I don't know what to do. I'm giving him bins space yet he is texting me. Texting my best friend. I just don't know what to do. I didn't know what happiness was until I met him. Especially becaus rinhave been going through a lot. He's changed me completely and I don't want to let him go... Can anyone help...

      ---------- Post added at 12:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 PM ----------

      There's a lot of typos in this sorry.
    • Re: Unofficially official

      Oh sorry to hear about that. I think you should give him like a week or two. Give him that so called break or space that he asked for, but be sure to at least regularly check him out and see what he's doing (just so he knows that you do care). After that, you could then talk to him and be honest about what you really feel, especially that of your fears. Hope everything will be alright.
    • Re: Unofficially official

      Before getting into any kind of sexual (or otherwise) relationship, you should have learnt to love yourself. From your message it doesn't sound like you're there yet - make sure you are happy without him before you try to be happy with him. You can't love something you NEED - the less you consider him a necessity and more of an addition to your life, the better your relationship with him will become, regardless of your break or not. This situation is more about you, than him :)