Talking behind my back

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    • Talking behind my back


      This school year I started noticing that this guy ( lets call him guy A ) was pretty often barging into my conversations. For example I was talking with guy B and guy A suddenly merged himself into the conversation. I usually don't mind, but it got rather annoying so I stayed silent and cut the conversation I was having.

      A few days back I kind off snapped, he was getting involved into a conversation. I was talking with some girls about certain things and after I told everything he asked what it was about etc. I snapped ( which I never do ) and told him that it's none of his business. I was quite shocked, he as well wore a priceless expression. I wanted to appologize right away but thought I might have done the right thing.

      The next day I had school again and talked to girl B ( she knows guy A and travels from school to home with him quite often ). I brought up the events of the day before and she said he was a little down on the way home ( no idea if that was my fault ). She told me there was probably no need to appologize but it was up to me. Anyways I decided I would appologize in person but never saw him again that day, so I texted him and appologized. He replied rather quickly and told me it was fine and not to worry about it.

      A few days ( weekend break ) later I saw girl B again and when I walked over she was smirking at me. She told me that apparently he had talked to her about me. He told her he didn't know how to respond etc. ( eventhough he responded rather quickly for someone not knowing how to respond ).

      So my stupid question is why does he keep talking behind my back or barging into my conversations. It really pisses me off and I don't feel confident enough to tell him up front.

      p.s. I never talk to him

      (sorry it's so long o_o)
    • Re: Talking behind my back

      My thoughts is that it doesn't matter why he's talking about you or what he's saying. He has no influence or importance in your life so if he's making your life more stressful then forget him. Worry more about the things you do care about than the people you don't care about. There's plenty of people in life that will do this and you just have to back away and say "I don't like this person. They probably don't like me. I need to accept that and make peace with their decisions." Often these situations say a lot more about them than they do about you. xx
    • Re: Talking behind my back

      Miyumi wrote:


      This school year I started noticing that this guy ( lets call him guy A ) was pretty often barging into my conversations. For example I was talking with guy B and guy A suddenly merged himself into the conversation. I usually don't mind, but it got rather annoying so I stayed silent and cut the conversation I was having.

      A few days back I kind off snapped, he was getting involved into a conversation. I was talking with some girls about certain things and after I told everything he asked what it was about etc. I snapped ( which I never do ) and told him that it's none of his business. I was quite shocked, he as well wore a priceless expression. I wanted to appologize right away but thought I might have done the right thing.

      The next day I had school again and talked to girl B ( she knows guy A and travels from school to home with him quite often ). I brought up the events of the day before and she said he was a little down on the way home ( no idea if that was my fault ). She told me there was probably no need to appologize but it was up to me. Anyways I decided I would appologize in person but never saw him again that day, so I texted him and appologized. He replied rather quickly and told me it was fine and not to worry about it.

      A few days ( weekend break ) later I saw girl B again and when I walked over she was smirking at me. She told me that apparently he had talked to her about me. He told her he didn't know how to respond etc. ( eventhough he responded rather quickly for someone not knowing how to respond ).

      So my stupid question is why does he keep talking behind my back or barging into my conversations. It really pisses me off and I don't feel confident enough to tell him up front.

      p.s. I never talk to him

      (sorry it's so long o_o)

      Hmmm... does he show signs of liking you ? Also, if he's inviting himself into your conversations, then you should tell him to mind his own business or "bud out". He shouldn't just invite himself into something he has no business in anyway. I hope this helped :3
    • Re: Talking behind my back

      CrazyPerson101 wrote:

      Hmmm... does he show signs of liking you ? Also, if he's inviting himself into your conversations, then you should tell him to mind his own business or "bud out". He shouldn't just invite himself into something he has no business in anyway. I hope this helped :3

      Thanks for your response.

      I did, though I was a bit rude and I appologized afterwards but ever since he stopped. But now I sometimes catch him looking/staring at me when I talk to others I guess ( I can't really tell ).

      I wouldn't be able to think of any signs him liking me, we never talk, he ignores me in groups.