Don't know what to do now...

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    • Don't know what to do now...

      Hey guys, my name is Keegan,

      A few weeks ago this girl from my swim team and I (we've been friends for a while) decided that we like eachother and want to try and have some sort of relationship. The only problem is, neither my parents orher parents "support" (for lack of a better word) dating at the ages of 13-14 but neithershe or I can wait to be together! What should we do? I don't want to date behind their backs,(quite frankly, neither of us can drive yet either, so its not rlly an option) and I cant talk to my parents to try and get them to understand… Ive tried already… PLEASE HEEEELP!!!
    • Re: Don't know what to do now...

      One solution is to continue building with her. Your parents have a job to protect you and that's what they're proving now. You are your own person so dating is your choice, although in the teens it isn't technically dating rather than slow courting and maybe a little like (not love in most cases for obvious reasons). Tell your parents nothing because it's a protection mechanism in play and plus it won't go sour if you call it something else instead of "dating". Good luck, Keegan :D
    • Re: Don't know what to do now...

      maybe ask your parents if she can come round (I know someone coming round to your house can be kinda awkward and scary at fist - I feel like that). I suppose 'dating' at our age is seen as going into town but hey, never mind. If your parents see how nice she is maybe they will approve slightly more, they are only worried about. Talk to your parents again, im sure they were in relationships at 13-14! II really hope something works out for you! You could always try jus being close friends for now! if you really like eachother that much you can be prepared to wait for a bit - good luck! xx