My mom seems to hate me

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    • My mom seems to hate me

      I'm 14 and I have a pretty good relationship with my dad. My mom on the other hand just seems to despise me. We have our happy moments from time to time but not really often. She'll get mad at me for no reason. She says I have an attitude in my voice but I honestly don't use attitude. She'll say I'm rude to her and it just makes me feel bad about myself. I try to have a good relationship with her but I just cant. She's such a hypocrite to! She says I sigh with an attitude when she asks me to do something, but when she needs to do something, she sighs even louder and longer. Another thing is she gets mad at my grades. I have A's, B's, and high C's. I have one D in a class, but only because my teacher wasn't there one day so I couldn't turn in my homework, witch was worth a lot of my grade. I turned it into the substitute but apparently it never got to my teacher. So my mom yells at me for having a D and every time I get on my PC to play a game she'll say "If you didn't spend so much time playing video games you would have straight A's". I mean for one I would never get straight A's and two I really do try my hardest in school, it's just to damn hard. I'm really starting to get sad and depressed and my mom just keeps getting madder and madder at me.
    • Re: My mom seems to hate me

      honest advice here, your mom obviously doesn't appreciate you right now. If you have a good relationship with your dad, maybe talk to him about this. he could shed some light on why your mom is acting the way she is, or maybe he can just talk to her. if nothing seems to help, maybe just give up for a bit. one thing I've learned, whether with parents or other people, is stop trying too hard for other people. if they don't appreciate you, then stop interacting with them, they'll realize what they've lost soon enough, and if they don't then were they really worth it in the first place?

      also are your parents separated? if they are, maybe your mom resents your relationship with your dad, or she is bitter about something else and takes it out on you. don't be afraid to talk about this with them, they're your parents..