girl ignoring me? (text)

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    • girl ignoring me? (text)

      i've been talking to a girl for quite the while, and recently (a quite a bit after I told her I like her) she sent a text saying "its nice knowing you, good friend. see you never, b****."
      i expected her to just not respond for the night due to it being late at night, but it ended up being two or so weeks now. what should i say? i've been sending her messages and pleading her in non-super serious ways, but i might have to be more serious. we don't talk at all really in school, and we've been messaging each other for 1- 2 years or so. if possible, please rule out the option in which i go up to her in real life and ask whats going on. I'll go up to her and ask if i REALLY have to but only then.

      Thanks for any help :D