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    • Lately, I just don't seem comfortable with my life. There's no problem with my friends, or my family, or my schoolwork. But I feel like I'm never going to find a person to date who will understand me. I've only had one relationship before, and it turned out very badly. He wanted to go all the way, and I wasn't ready. He became clingy and obsessive. The people who I like never have the same feelings for me, and my guy friends (who I have no such feelings for) like me, so that makes me feel like a bad person for not returning their feelings, but I don't want to lead them on. I just feel like I'm never going to like someone who also likes me, it's just not working. I guess who I am is also partly to blame, because I'm very independent and I don't get jealous or clingy. I'm very practical in romantic matters. I'm a nerd, I'm awkward and shy, and even though I'm not sad and I have a good life, I feel like I'm never going to be able to experience the same happiness that all of my friends seem to find from their partners. Even when I do meet someone who I could possibly grow to like, I think... They could never like someone like me. And they never do. :/
      I have no problem with being attracted to fictional characters, celebrities, or random strangers I see at my school. But I think that I can only like people who don't like me because I'm scared of getting hurt. At least I know that I have no chance with them.

      Can someone please give me some advice on how I should act on this problem? :confused: