I don't like the people around me

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    • I don't like the people around me

      I need people's advice.

      In secondary school, I was reasonably popular. Most people liked me but I found myself striving to be with "the cool kids".

      One summer, we all went on a trip. This meant that, for a whole week, we would be sharing our living space with the people in our year. We stayed in cabins in the woods and the people that you shared your cabin with were assigned at random. A lot of my friends at the time, "the cool kids", were in the same cabin and were very happy with themselves. I, on the other hand, was put in a cabin full of people I had never talked to. This was never a problem for me at the time and I just got on with it.

      The people in my cabin enjoyed spending time with me and I felt like I could completely be myself around them - something I hadn't felt hanging around with "the cool kids". This trip showed me that I could be myself around people and they would still like me and I didn't have to conform to trends or how "the cool kids" were acting. The coolest people of all turned out to be the ones who liked me for who I am. I lived the rest of my secondary school life exactly the person I wanted to be and if people didn't like that then fuck them; I didn't give a shit what anyone thought. The right people would stick around.

      I have recently joined college and so I know a lot less people. I have found that a lot of the people I used to hang around with back in secondary school have moved on and I am left with just a handful of people that want to hang around with me and even they have changed since starting college. At first, I didn't mind; sticking to my attitude that I would just be myself and whoever wants to stick around can. But now, I have realised that the people who do want to be in my company are not the sort of people I want in my company.

      I was always in the mind-set that I would just do me and whoever wanted to come along for the ride could and whoever didn't, didn't have to. I didn't want anyone in my life who didn't want to be there. And anyone who wanted to be in my life was welcomed with open arms.

      So here I am in this situation where I know very few people and the people who I do know are twats 90% of the time. I feel like I have no one in my life who I actually like because they have all left and I let them. And I feel like I have far too many people in my life who I don't like because they have joined me and I have let them.

      People say that any trash in your life should be removed. The only problem is that if I remove all the trash from my life, I'll have no one left.

      Meeting new people isn't the issue. It's getting rid of the old shit I don't know how to deal with.

      Maybe this is a really petty thing but I really don't know what to do.

      Would be great if you could help me out.
    • iadvice wrote:


      People say that any trash in your life should be removed. The only problem is that if I remove all the trash from my life, I'll have no one left.
      Six nearly seven years ago I removed myself from so-called 'cool people' or 'coffee club natterers' to instead concentrate on the one thing that I loved: Mechanical Engineering. While learning which took best part of six years, I became more productive and during that time worked on a way of producing elevators that took supermarket customers and their trollies up a gradient. I took my product to international airports. Never looked back since those days.

      Now, it's not a sin to remove yourself from people you dislike. Why hang around them? Go out on a limb and find people on your wavelength and build up your own social group though it will take time. The social group I hang with are skiers.

      Anythng is possible; you just have to believe you can do it and not take negative crap from those who don't matter. I'm called a variety of unpleasant names. But I don't care. My family, my friends are all that matter. Nationally I have three close friends. Most trusted. If I can build on that, then so can you.

      Welcome to Teen Hut and the interesting few.

      Poppi :)

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.