What should I text her

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    • What should I text her

      I'm a 15 year old guy. The girl I like is also 15. She likes me back (a lot), I know this because first a friend told me she thinks I'm good-looking. Then a female friend (who's friends with her) told me at a party Friday that she (the girl I like) likes me a lot because she talked with her about it.

      We were at a party Friday, I spent most of the time with her. After we saw a guy wanting to fight another guy, she said that that's why she didn't want a boyfriend, all the ones she's had were very jealous.

      When I was about to leave, I told her that I like her. She thought I was joking so I kissed her (short, about 2 seconds, no tongue). She told me she didn't know what to say, that she doesn't know if she likes me. I said "you already said that you didn't want to be in a relationship, but" she interrupted saying that yeah because everyone ends hurting her. I told her I was different, that I wouldn't do anything to hurt her (I mean it). She said that she wasn't sure, that we'll talk some other day when she had her head straight (she was kind of distracted half of the party).

      We haven't talked since then. I haven't texted her because I don't want to annoy her. I'm thinking of texting her today, but I don't know what to say.

      I think that it's a good sign that she didn't turn her head or backed up when I kissed her. I know she likes me because she told the girl (the one from the beginning) AFTER I kissed her that she likes me.