How to talk to my crush

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    • How to talk to my crush

      Hello everyone!
      I'm louise i'm french i apologize for my future mistakes in english
      I'm in a new High school since this year and i'm in junior year
      In a school in France. And since January i'm crushing hard on a Guy in senior year
      I find him soooooo hot but he doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't seem
      To be that popular with girls.
      I wanna go talk to him to ask him out for a drink or ask his number
      But How could I catch his attention ?
      What could i say to start conversation ?
      I need your advices !
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    • Re: How to talk to my crush

      This is natural especially in teen age or in young age we are hesitating to talk with our crush due to our shy nature; but we should try our best to deal with such type of situations. It is really confusing for us that from where we should start our conversation; so it is quite better to go for any guidance from experts or any kind of relationship coaching help. But apart from that confidence is also a great thing which helps us in these kinds of situations.