Meeting new people - what am I not doing right?

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    • Meeting new people - what am I not doing right?

      Pretty random but just quite at sea with what to do.
      First off, please don't think I'm useless or need the very basics- but comments are very welcome And would be helpful.

      The problem is my friend group are shy. We are waiting until we are all 18 to go clubbing. I can't wait but it's another 4 months.

      Even when we (I) talk to a new girl or group they will do sometbing to make it awkward or diffuse the situation. Not all of them, but some.

      So I tried timder and that just feels like a waste of time. It's mostly people too far away.
      Aside from going out Saturday night I can't see a way to meet new people especially girls. My job is quite exclusive in thay way, I'm learning to drive which will help but it seems whatever I do I don't get any result or it's shot down. The only way I've had it work is to randomly message some random but I don't like that, it just feels totally strange and not quite my style but it has worked.

      Thoughts? Tips? Haha is it even a problem or is this normal?

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