ex boyfriend issue

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    • Re: ex boyfriend issue

      bamitzme3 wrote:

      my ex boyfriend who I'm totally not over yet just hooked up with my best friend. I told her two nights ago that I still really like him and want him back, and then yesterday she went and kissed him. I don't know what to do with both of them as I hurt really bad.

      First of all, sorry to hear you're having a hard time at the minute..

      You call this girl your 'best friend', but she went behind your back and kissed your ex when she knew that you weren't over the situation yet?! That's not a best friend...

      I would make sure that you let them both know that they've hurt you and that you refuse to be treated this way.

      Then it's up to you to decide - whether you really want and need a friend and a guy like them in your life... I think we both know what the answer is.. :rolleyes: