He has been nasty

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    • He has been nasty

      First of all thank you for reading this I'm really going out of my mind with this and I need guy's and girl's advice and opinion.
      I'm a girl and since I came in to college (3 years ago) the second day of class I noticed a guy who kept staring at me all the time, I tried to ignore him while two months, but then it became even more obvious we went to a trip and while getting into a tourist attraction everyone had to be in couples so he stood next to me to make everything more obvious so I thought "well he is interested" how ever he did more stuff like that and he had so many chances to talk to me but he never did , I thought he was shy so I tried to get closer (at this point I really liked him) and he was still the same it was just as if he wanted to be the most obvious and shameless as possible, i took me one year to realize he was just no that into me.
      The first semester of the second year we were in the same classes and he was still doing the same silly stuff and I barely noticed it (at this point I had already gotten over it) the next semester I met someone who really blew my mind so I didn´t realized so much around by that time, the last semester this weird guy began a relationship, it didn´t bother me but right now I've noticed he doesn't stops staring at me and his girlfriend always hugs him while staring at me (i've seen her sideways) there is so much more shit around this and I´ve omitted it because this would be an endless post.
      I wolud like to know if anyone knows which psychological factor is here?, what the hell goes trough his mind? why the f**k does he keep playing this sick game i stopped participating in two years ago? what am I supposed to do?
    • Re: He has been nasty

      Maybe he has a case of Autism? I say this possibility because you say he never spoke to you during his , well, sick game and maybe his current girlfriend knows this and that's why she keeps hugging him? Anyway, maybe you could tell this issue to your boyfriend or to a friend or to family and maybe they will help you out. But hey, I sort of believe that this guy could have a case of Autism because autistic people are known for miscommunication and they have trouble explaining themselves. I think you should just find out if this is true meaning go talk to the guy or even his girlfriend... as much as you hate it. Hope this help, and sorry if it didn't.
    • Re: He has been nasty

      I think you need to simply ask him whats going on, and if he you don't like him staring and acting weird just tell him straight out. It will be uncomfortable but this stuff can just go on and on and on (speaking from bad personal experience). Good luck and please let us know how it goes.
      There's no such thing as too much love or too many kisses!
    • Re: He has been nasty

      I really appreciate yor replies!! :) :hugs: and well everything stil the same but tell me Sara how was your experience, at this moment I'm getting really annoyed and nervous to get involved in any problem between them, I know ignore them won't help anymore I have to face them cause I haven't done anything to them.
    • Re: He has been nasty

      Sorry just saw your question. My weirdo stalker was at school, I go to an all-girls school and he's part of the boys school we're associated with (like for proms and other social occasions). At a 'mixer' with the two schools he was checking me out. I honestly don't mind if guys hit on me, it's a bit like a game as long as they're respectful and good-looking.

      He was actually pretty cute and started talking but it didn't really go anywhere, the conversation topics were pretty strange (Futurama?? WTF??) and after 15 minutes I kinda moved on to another guy. The first one looked a bit freaked out but I didn't think much of it.

      Following Monday guess who's waiting for me outside the school?! Yep, the weirdo!! So he tried talking to me but it was so akward and stilted so just kept going. But every day for the next week he was waiting and finally got mad and yelled at him in front of everyone to get the fuck out of my face. I can be very aggressive and confrontational, which is sometimes bad but this time it was good. I was ready to fight him, I don't give a crap about fighting with my fists. He turned real red and walked off, never saw him again.

      He was actually pretty cute, just really bad social skills and maybe a mental issue.
      There's no such thing as too much love or too many kisses!

      The post was edited 2 times, last by 3555Sara ().

    • Re: He has been nasty

      3555Sara wrote:

      Sorry just saw your question. My weirdo stalker was at school, I go to an all-girls school and he's part of the boys school we're associated with (like for proms and other social occasions). At a 'mixer' with the two schools he was checking me out. I honestly don't mind if guys hit on me, it's a bit like a game as long as they're respectful and good-looking.

      He was actually pretty cute and started talking but it didn't really go anywhere, the conversation topics were pretty strange (Futurama?? WTF??) and after 15 minutes I kinda moved on to another guy. The first one looked a bit freaked out but I didn't think much of it.

      Following Monday guess who's waiting for me outside the school?! Yep, the weirdo!! So he tried talking to me but it was so akward and stilted so just kept going. But every day for the next week he was waiting and finally got mad and yelled at him in front of everyone to get the fuck out of my face. I can be very aggressive and confrontational, which is sometimes bad but this time it was good. I was ready to fight him, I don't give a crap about fighting with my fists. He turned real red and walked off, never saw him again.

      He was actually pretty cute, just really bad social skills and maybe a mental issue.

      It's obvious you don't care about this kid, especially so se you said so. But honestly, do you think you could handled that better?
      He probably thought you liked him, and by not setting him straight in the beginning, only leads him on, then yelling at him and stuff?
      idk, maybe it's me, seems pretty cruel...