Why is there popularity at schools?

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    • Why is there popularity at schools?

      In Greece, at schools there is some popularity but not obvious, I mean it's like totally invisible. Now, I don't know why but every time I watch a movie about high school life, etc there is always that one popular kid that the hero tries to beat or that the hero tries to gain a lot of popularity... It's like a game. So I don't get it, why this competitiveness? What's the big deal about being popular? Will this popularity follow you through life or is it just for High School? I really don't get it...:confused:
      [FONT="Century Gothic"]Survival of the fittest[/FONT]:cool:
    • Re: Why is there popularity at schools?

      Some people are insecure and narcisstic, and they think they're better than anyone else. Some want to be like celebrities. People say that popularity doesn't matter when you're out of high school, but I don't completely agree. Yes, some people do become irrelevant later, but some keep maintaining popularity later in college and at the job. I personally hate popular people because they're mostly mean, and nothing but bullies.