Questions for teens who want to get fit

    • Questions for teens who want to get fit

      Hi there, my husband is a personal trainer who specializes in youth fitness. We are starting an online program for teens so that those who don't have access to trainers or gyms can be provided different workouts on a regular basis so that you don't get bored with the same old thing.

      We really want this site to be helpful to people and want to focus on keeping it fresh and entertaining so that you stick with the program and don't quit. It's more about consistency than about killing yourself on every workout.

      If you have the time, we'd really appreciate anyone who would take a survey to help us mold this program. Just PM me and I'll send it to you. (You can send it completely anonymously, but there's an option to leave your email address if you'd like to be notified of when the free site goes up and a discount coupon code for when we launch the first product.)

      And by all means, feel free to respond here if there's something you wish existed to help you get in shape.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by pipperton: Didn't supply poll ().

    • Re: Questions for teens who want to get fit

      Hey it's really nice that you husband started a brilliant idea online to provide fitness tips to teens. Mostly in teens we have found different types of addictions that ultimately affect their fitness programs like emotional eating or over eating practices, alcohol addiction, unhealthy eating practice and many more. Therefore for them it is really essential to stay fit and active otherwise they are suffering from different problems in future.