Crush on a girl

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    • Crush on a girl

      I go to an all girls school and I'm straight. I've only ever been interested in guys. I now have a crush on one of my friends from a girl. I don't have a problem with that. the problem is she's straight...well she's never dated a girl is what I mean. Is there a way I can find out if she's interested/likes me back. I really don't want to mess up our friendship bc she's so awesome.
    • Re: Crush on a girl

      Look at her body language, that's something that gives away person, especially girls. Usually it is glare in eyes when in contact with you... touching hair, neck, etc. Search the youtube for something since body language is not hard to decode and not big science, and signs are usually easy to interpret.

      Just be careful not to mistake if you are worried to much... take time to observe!

      If she looks and is acting the same with you as she is with boy she likes, it is a big chance she likes you too (still, that doesn't have to mean she wants to date you or have something with you - she can decide to fight against that urge)