Don't wanna be cheated on

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    • Don't wanna be cheated on

      I want to share my story with you. I have a boyfriend and I love him. He’s gonna move to another city for 6 months. Don't think that I’m obsessed, but I don't want to lose him, because he’s my only love. Could you please help me and advise how to keep an eye on him remotely!?
    • Re: Don't wanna be cheated on

      I hate cheating.If you want to use a spying app I recommend you to use spytomobile. It is really stealthy. When I thought my ex girlfriend (I tried to be straight in my past) was cheating on me I installed it on her phone. I could read her messages, see her call history and see her location. I read that an unknown person with name Julia offered my ex to come to her and try new silky bed sheets wich she had bought. My ex answered she would come to her in 20 minutes and typed a sex smile at the end of message. Using spytomobile I saw where she was. I jumped in my car and came there. I saw them through a window and there was not any girl with my girlfriend. I saw a black guy who was fucking my girlfriend. I became mad on her and took a baseball bat from my car. Then were scream, tears and blood.
      I used spytomobile and it was helpfull. I think installing a spying app is the best way to catch a cheater or prevent cheating on you.
    • Re: Don't wanna be cheated on

      Pairnormal wrote:

      I hate cheating.If you want to use a spying app I recommend you to use spytomobile. It is really stealthy. When I thought my ex girlfriend (I tried to be straight in my past) was cheating on me I installed it on her phone. I could read her messages, see her call history and see her location. I read that an unknown person with name Julia offered my ex to come to her and try new silky bed sheets wich she had bought. My ex answered she would come to her in 20 minutes and typed a sex smile at the end of message. Using spytomobile I saw where she was. I jumped in my car and came there. I saw them through a window and there was not any girl with my girlfriend. I saw a black guy who was fucking my girlfriend. I became mad on her and took a baseball bat from my car. Then were scream, tears and blood.
      I used spytomobile and it was helpfull. I think installing a spying app is the best way to catch a cheater or prevent cheating on you.

      Hi Pairnormal,
      I'm sorry for your partner cheated on you. It is painfull.
      Thank you for your advice:love1:I googled spytomobile - it is even more than I expected. I can read whatsapp and viber messages too. I know it is not right to spy on him. But this is the only way for me to get calm.
    • Well how does he feel about you? Do you know if he loves you as much as you do him?
      I think you need to talk to him and see how he feels about you. He hasn't told you he was
      going to look for someone else while away has he? You just need to communicate and talk about this.