Im A Walking Disaster (poem)

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    • Im A Walking Disaster (poem)

      Again just looking for feedback! Let me know what you think!

      I scribble words on a blank page and hope that one day im able to make sense of it all
      I tongue twist these lies into a story of make believe
      Im more than a broken girl but I'm not easy to deceive
      I catch the flies that buzz around your dead integrity
      Because owning up to your own mistakes is such a known rarity
      I call your name in hopes for an answer which always ends in disappointment
      But that's my mistake, I knew you couldn't keep a commitment
      I want to take a knife to my thoughts
      Cut out all the memories, all the times we fought
      I don't know where we stand but my body craves your touch
      If I could feel you one more time then maybe that would be enough
      My grip can only hold for a little while
      Don't let your ego slip, throw your self worth into a pile
      Build yourself up so I can tear you down
      Im a disaster on foot running through your town
      No one would've guessed
      Your friends were unknown like all the rest
      Im a demon living in my own head
      Feeding off the simpleness, my craving is never fed
      I've told lies, so I guess that makes me a liar
      But it's you who gambles with your own desire.
      I want to show you love but my body craves lust
      All the old feelings have just gathered dust
      I guess you could say, im just a fucked up mess
      I would apologize but apologies seem so meaningless
      Im a demon living in my own mind
      Feeding off your emotions, I guess I'll be fine
      I'll build you up just to tear you down
      Im a walking disaster and I'll destroy your town.