I have a crush on my friend's dad

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    • I have a crush on my friend's dad

      Hey, my name is Mo and I have a huge problem. My friend's dad is the apple of my eye. Seriously. My friend, we will call him S, and I have been best friends for 9 years. He is a boy. His parents have been divorced since I met him. We are both in high school.

      When we first started hanging out in about kindergarten and first grade, I spent a lot of time at his mom's house. Mainly because it was close to my house, and he was there almost all the time. I had never met his dad, only seen some pictures. The custody situation changed when we were about 11 or 12. The deal would be he spends the week with his dad, and gets to see his mom every other weekend. So now we would be hanging out at his dad's house more often.

      The first time I went over there it was no big deal. Hell, I was 11 years old I had no idea what liking somebody was. Then we got a little older. I developed the crush on his dad when I was 13. He is re-married and his new wife is like a second mother to me (my mom died just this past February so I turned to her as a mother figure).

      Now almost every time I go over there, I can't help but look at his dad. His dad is really funny and flirty-ish. It's hard to explain. All I know is that he gives me a lot of things. Not sexually omg I know it sounds like that, but no. He gave me a Mick Jagger poster for my birthday (I love the rolling stones) and once gave me $50 as sort of a 'congratulations' thing (it's a really long story so I won't get into it now). One time he handed me a 50 cent piece with JFK's face on it and said he thought of me when he saw it (he knows I love JFK). It's little things, but they're really sweet.

      I definitely don't want to act on any of this. I don't want to have sex with him mainly because I'm waiting until I have a boyfriend/husband for that, AND he's married. I've been told on multiple occasions that I am a pretty girl, and I don't want to boast about it or anything because that's not me. I view myself as average and I'm happy with the way I look. I act like a Lolita when I'm around him and other older men that I like. I sit in positions that could be considered provocative and I look at him with this sort of gaze.

      Am I doing anything wrong?? I have never touched him (only once and it was because I hugged him) and I have never said anything sexual to him. Someone's gotta give me an opinion because I haven't told ANYONE. HELP PLEASE.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by carneystreet ().

    • Re: I have a crush on my friend's dad

      Well... The thing is; you're his sons friend for him after all. Plus he's married. He doesnt have a particular interest in you... just a good man.

      Alright lets just assume that he likes you. Then what? Just think about it for a sec. You both would probably mess everything up if someone finds out the relationship... His marriage, your friendship and i dont even know the rest of your connections honestly. Although he likes you -which is quite unlikely if you ask me, but you know him in person- he'd probably see the worst case scenario -as i mentioned above- and stay away from you.

      These are my opinions, just get over him. He's one of the first adult guys you've met, thats probably why you think you have a crush on him and im pretty sure he'd act the same for anyone else, cause as i said; a good man. Thats it.
    • Re: I have a crush on my friend's dad

      depends on how old he is, better yet, take that back, you're only 13, it's not a good thing. not sayin it's disgusting to have a crush, but don't even send signals, you're there for your friend, let it stay that way, ok.
      I am the true Don, and as one, you know my life as a life worth inquiring about :cool: