
    • Soooo... long stroy, I've been friends to this guy for 2 years now... ever since a few months ago he was one of the nicest people, like ever.

      He used to go out with my ex best friend (We just stopped talking, for no reason, and then she moved to New Zealand) he was fine with me after they broke up... it has just been nasty to me around the time he started back to school.

      He gets REALLY pissed off if I go somewhere without him, like Friday for instance I'm gonna see this band, he was gonna come... but he doesn't want to now just in case this girl he doesn't like is going there... like he HAS to talk to her /:

      I knew he wouldn't have gone in the first place, and my other friend asked me if I wanted to go... so I asked him if he wanted to go with me and her, and he got really annoyed because he doesn't really get on with her.

      So, I phoned him yesetrday to ask him if he's sure he doesn't want to go... and he was so fucking cold with me it was unbelievable. Then I said "What do you wanna do Saturday night?" he was just like "You probably got plans with someone else!!" wtf? so now I can't have other friends /: at least I go out of my house with the risk that I'll see people I don't like.

      You may think I'm being overdramatic, but he does this ALL the time. He NEVER wants to go out, then when I make plans with someone else he gets pissed off, I'm 16 years old I want to go out at times, wtf is wrong with that?

      He gets offended SO easily, like I said something on the phone to him the other day as a joke, then I went sorry. He was like "OMG you only said sorry because I got offended" /: well obviously... so he was spending like 3 minutes explaining to me how I only said sorry because he got offended, I was just like "Well, of course people say sorry when people get offended" and because I didn't agree with him he hang up on me /:

      He's just a twat to me, alot of the time I don't know if he's kidding or not /: like he tells me to go home and stuff up his house when I "offend" him, he calls me a slut (I kinda do think he says that as a joke but I dunno) etc. etc.

      He used to get pissed off with me because I prefered Rhydian on X factor (a British talent show) than Same Difference... yes because he didn't have fucking clowns and beds on stage when he's singing.

      The other day I had to give him £3 for ONE ciggerette /: when he had like 8 left and when I would have given one back to him aswell.

      The only time he's nice to me lately is when he's drunk /: lol, me, my other friend and him sometimes drink up his house on a Friday or something (that's the only social life I have atm) and he's only nice to me when he's pissed.

      What should I do/say?
    • I think you should tell him to stop being such an ignorant asshole. He treats you like shit for no good reason at all, over the stupidest things. Guys like that are the type that haul off and hit a girl in the face and then say "You know I love you, I just have a lot on my mind" 2 hours later. There's no reason for you to take that kind of shit from him. Find yourself a new friend or whatever. It's absolutely unnecessary to take that kind of verbal and mental abuse from someone for no reason at all.

      "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." [/CENTER]
    • He has been like it for ages :(

      I couldn't be fucked to phone him yesterday because he was doing my head in... the first time he has phoned me in about 3 weeks /: I normaly phone him.

      In all fairness he has been more of a twat after his nan died a few weeks ago... but still, don't take it out on me.

      My wisdom teeth are coming through, their REALLY hurting and I told him, all he said was "OMG your life is so bad! ¬.¬"

      Abit of luck he wont be a complete bum today.
    • TheFunkyBunch wrote:

      I think you should tell him to stop being such an ignorant asshole. He treats you like shit for no good reason at all, over the stupidest things. Guys like that are the type that haul off and hit a girl in the face and then say "You know I love you, I just have a lot on my mind" 2 hours later. There's no reason for you to take that kind of shit from him. Find yourself a new friend or whatever. It's absolutely unnecessary to take that kind of verbal and mental abuse from someone for no reason at all.

    • give him a warning and tell him that if he doesn't stop ttreating you like your soemthing from the bottom of his shoes then he's in danger of losing a close friend. If he cares about you and wants you as a friend he will at least treat you a little better , if he doesn't change stick to your warning and don't bother wasting your time with him
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • lol don't worry everyone assumes we're going out anyway :p lol. He was fine to me yesterday, but today I just phoned him telling him I may be late going out and he was just like "Well you can't come now!" and I told him I didn't know where my parents were... even though it's christmas eve (I dunno, I just woken up and nobody is here /:) and he started laughing /: I may just stop being friends to him tbh... I have to go up his house tonight though because it's christmas eve and I have his presents. Oh joy :rolleyes: