I am confused, I'm attractive but

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    • I am confused, I'm attractive but

      I'm 16, and a junior in high school. I am aware that I am a somewhat attractive person, and I a have various things I'm good at. I'm confident in myself. I'm told be my close friends and family that if I take the initiative, most boys will also take interest in me. In high school, none of the boys I have been interested in have reciprocated any feelings. With this latest guy I finally had some guts and tried to flirt. I made a lot of eye contact and smiled a lot. He also seemed to respond positively, but the next day he showed no indication of interest. I'm just really confused. What should I do? I really like this guy but I don't want to be the only one showing any interest. Any advice?
    • First of all, welcome to Teen Hut. :)

      I agree with Linda. Sometimes you just have to ask point blank. It's better to know than hanging on wondering.

      In your favour you are confident in yourself, which is an advantage since many struggle with confidence. Your making eye contact and smiling has a powerful effect, but don't feel discouraged if some guys don't reciprocate. They could be shy, they might be privately sussing you out. It's always been like this in highschool, so the importance I feel is really get into your education and major on that. Given time, any guy who is interested in getting to know you might come along and say howdy. And then ~ you go from there.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.