I told my friend I liked her and now she's acting even weirder?

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    • I told my friend I liked her and now she's acting even weirder?

      I suspected my friend of faking being a lesbian because of the way she behaves in public and in private are completely different. I have another thread about it and didn't know if I was suppose to post in there or make a new one, so i just made a new one.

      She was very flirty in public, (hand holding, jokes and how she always was so close to me, mostly in school) I thought anyway. In private she is for the most part really distant. She said she was a lesbian and told me many unbelievable and ridiculous stories about her life. I guess even know I thought she was faking, I had no proof and really enjoyed the attention from a girl my own age. Anyway since we both like writing songs the other day we both decided to have a little competition to see who can write the best one.

      We both wrote a quick song and I sang mine first. but when she sang hers it was actually one of my old songs I wrote a few weeks ago lol. She was singing it with such exaggeration and when she got to the end she kind of held the side of my face and got really close as if she was going to kiss me so I kissed her. It was really quick, just a peck. She flinched and dropped my song and fell.
      She just covered her mouth and didn't say anything so I told her I couldn't help it and I liked her.

      She seriously just acted as if she was so surprised. I told her I was joking after to kill the awkward mood. She just said, right.

      WHAT WAS ALL OF THOSE WEEKS OF FLIRTING ABOUT. Was she just playing with me after all for fun?

      I just got back from school and she didn't sit with me in till I waved to her. She was still acting flirty, but now she just sounds so sarcastic. It hurts really bad and I almost wanted to slap her a few times.

      Someone in my old post said that if she was straight she wouldn't keep up the act for too long, but does this count as keeping up the act? I don't know how long I can deal with the way shes acting now. Before it was fun but now it feels like, shes talking to me like I'm some kind of animal or child. I cant bring myself to tell her for some reason. Does she like me or is she playing with my emotions?
    • I reckon she doesn't know her feelings as to what sexuality she may or may not be, and is experimenting on you because perhaps she sees you as an easy target. On the other hand, perhaps she's acting what she thinks is being sincere while being totally pig-ignorant of unfairly playing on your feelings. Having re-read your topic, I'd assume the latter.

      To ignore, blank her out and pass her by could make her bitter and angery, marking you out as an insensitive stuck-up person. Instead I would draft our a letter, wait a day or so for any anger to go, re-write it and say she is being unfair to your feelings causing you confusion. Setting up a boundary as to how far she should go would be helpful. Then you could keep her friendship, but only on the proviso it be platonic. It is all too easy to lose a friend and gain an enemy, but a softly written letter that is firm but not insulting could go a very long way.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • AccessDenied wrote:

      It is all too easy to lose a friend and gain an enemy, but a softly written letter that is firm but not insulting could go a very long way.
      So you're saying I should write her a letter when I calm down expressing my feelings or just write a letter and not give it to her?
      I like her, but she's so annoying sometimes, especially now. Any letter from me right now would make things worse for sure. I have to see her later today at school and just hope she's not acting like she did yesterday. Thanks for your reply.
    • Nightengale wrote:

      AccessDenied wrote:

      It is all too easy to lose a friend and gain an enemy, but a softly written letter that is firm but not insulting could go a very long way.
      So you're saying I should write her a letter when I calm down expressing my feelings or just write a letter and not give it to her?I like her, but she's so annoying sometimes, especially now. Any letter from me right now would make things worse for sure. I have to see her later today at school and just hope she's not acting like she did yesterday. Thanks for your reply.

      Write a letter and give it to her. :)

      Be kind, but also explain how she makes you feel, her actions causing you confusion and the impression she is using you. And that you have the right to be treated with respect.

      This is a useful little website that explains How to set Boundaries in Relationships I found it very useful.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.