Don't know how to talk to this girl

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    • Don't know how to talk to this girl

      I am in a strings orchestra at OCU, 15 years old BTW, and there is this girl that sits close to me who plays the harp. I don't know her name or anything about her but she is the most beautiful harp player in the world and I wanted to get to talk to her but how the hell am I suppose to even start a conversation with her? I play the violin so we have no common ground so I cant just ask her how to play this note and then start the conversation from there. I have only been in one relationship before which turned out to be a disaster after I found out she was cheating on me so my self esteem is at an all time low. Any suggestions on how to start a conversation with her? I have never been good with ladies but I have been practicing eye contact and how to present myself so any ideas/suggestions.
    • @Bongo555 Be confident and talk to her. You both play something, so that IS a common ground. Eye contact is must when you speak with her. Don't look down or up when you speak to her and also avoid unnatural staring. Be natural but confident and just talk to her. You can say hi, and your strategy of asking her how to play a note is also good. Just a casual conversation and start from there.
    • Don't put too much weight on the conversation, it's not life or death. The fact that you're even going up to her is really bold, and she'll appreciate that. In terms of what to say, you kind of answered your own question! Tell her what you said, that you think she's really good at the harp! From there you could ask how long she's been playing or why she was drawn to that instrument, and before you know it you're having a conversation! Who knows, maybe she's been looking for someone to talk to. But the important thing is that one conversation doesn't control the future, don't worry about whether you're flirting too much/not enough, it will only make you self conscious. Just let the conversation flow naturally, and if you feel yourself getting nervous you can even tell her that you were nervous to talk to her. Girls are people too, she'll probably be flattered. Good luck!