Dont know what to do

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    • Dont know what to do

      Hi everyone!! ok here´s the thing, three weeks ago my friends and I were at a night club, super cool but I git drunk, I really remember everything that happened that night, but a friend told me that she didn´t saw me for a few minutes while being there, I told her that I had to go to the bathroom on my own twice, because I couldn´t stand it (which I remember perfectly well since went into the bathroom until I got there with my friends).
      And now I should've had my period two weeks ago and I'm so scared I don't know if it is because of my worries but it is killing me. the question is do you thinkI could remember everything except that I had sex or even met someone??
      Ps: I was dancing with an ugly guy and even remember leaving him on the dancefloor to go with my friends