HELP I like this girl and she likes me back but our parents would never let us be together if they knew?

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    • HELP I like this girl and she likes me back but our parents would never let us be together if they knew?

      Okay i like this girl and she likes me back but her parents would probably kill me if they saw me and my parents really dont like her at all. We used to go to the same school but we dont anymore and she doesn't live that far away (like 15 miles away) and her parents wont let her out of someones sight so shes pretty much followed every where and i need some way to see her and vice versa. also im 15 about to turn 16 but cant get my license till feb 26 and she is 16 and doesn't even have a permit yet
    • Hi Mike, welcome to Teen Hut. :)

      I know your situation well; I'm a mother of a just-become-13 year old daughter who really fancied a guy, and he fancied her, and his parents dispapproved just like I did. You see, parents are probably only being protective of their kids just like I was being protective of Nikky, and she didn't like my attitude, but tough. If you can't past the parents of the girl that you fancy, that's life.

      Undeniably there was sexual attraction. Yep, as raw as that and I've seen it all before just like the parents of the guy fancying her.

      Options. You could email her, or you could present yourself to her parents and that means making a good impression by dressing up to look smart and promising them you will be honourable in your intentions to their daughter, and go from there.

      I maintained dislike for the guy who fancied Nikky only because I knew he was a lazy-arsed dope smoker, and he already knew us well, and I suspected only wanted to get into her pants and the lifestyle Nikky enjoys, so it was still a No.

      Life's hard, isn't it? Move on, find some other girl. Plenty o'fish in the sea.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • I wonder why that is? Why would any decent parent wish to harm their child? 'Kill' you? Come on, pull the other one.

      You haven't told us enough. Most parents would allow their sons to enjoy friendship with girls, so why on earth your parents are being so difficult I have no idea.

      Like to tell us more about yourself? Thereare two sides to every coin and your side isn't adding up much.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.