Is my crush into me?

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    • Is my crush into me?

      *Names have been changed
      I'm a high school freshman who goes to a charter school with about 400-500 total students. One of my TA's is a junior who plays football for his home school (which is how sports have work at our school), and starting last week, I began getting slightly more-than-platonic vibes from him.
      To start off, he's friends with a few of the people in my circle, so it isn't a rare occurrence that he and I talk. He also has a girlfriend who I and a few of my friends helped ask to homecoming. She, however, isn't very enthusiastic about their relationship. I've only ever seen her looking pissed-off, and her reaction to his homecoming request was, "Aw, that gives me the feels."
      This last Friday, I wore a skirt and cute shirt to school for a celebration in one of my classes. He told me that I looked good, and although I thanked him, I thought nothing of it. Then, on Monday, he made a heart with his fingers at me from across the almost-empty hall and gestured me toward him. He proceeded to say that "A few of us" thought that I and another boy in my grade would be good together. I explained to him that I had rejected said boy already, and that said boy was quite upset over it. My crush said, "Oh, you're a heartbreaker, Julia. I can tell. It's the short hair. You're gonna break a lot of hearts. I love it when girls have short hair." (Note that his girlfriend has very long hair.) I was getting pretty flustered at this point. Then he said, "I'm glad you said no to James. No offense to him, but you guys just seem either too similar, or too different. I just see something in you that's more free-flowing." Since then I've only had one period where he was TA-ing, but I swear that I saw him looking a couple of times.
      Any advice on what to do? He seems happy with his girlfriend, but not she with him. I don't want to ruin their relationship, but I am very confused right now. Thanks!
    • Belated welcome to Teen Hut @superninjanerd I hope you will stay and come here often. :)

      Some guys like stringing girls on just because it gives them some sort of mental lift as if having to validate their good looks so they try to attention seek. But when it comes to the crunch, they go all coy and say stupid things which confuse you all the more. It seems to me he's already got some other girl's attention. I wouldn't waste time with him, but be nice and leave it at that.

      Plenty o'fish in the sea.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.