So he flirted with me, but now keeps his distance?

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    • I know it's hard having a crush on someone who doesn't notice, for suffering rejection is painful and I've been there just as my daughter, same age as you, is going through the same experience.

      If anything, be true to yourself, Hun. A good friend sometimes does things he or she doesn't want to do, such as helping a friend move or going to see a band that you don't really like, but you should never feel pressured to do something you think is wrong. Stay true to your convictions and beliefs, and if this causes you to lose some friends, then you're better off without them. You'll also find that your integrity may one day help you win a lot of other friends, and if you just be yourself, you'll make friends who like you for who you are.

      Don't try to change yourself in order to fit in to make new friends, Erza. If you have to change yourself to be with a group of people then they are not worth being friends with. Remember, never leave old friends because you like someone else more. This is a big, bad mistake. It's great to have different groups of friends, but if you abandon one group for another, you may soon find yourself without any friends at all. Don't be afraid to stand up for what is right. If one of your friends is doing something that you know is wrong, confront them. If you're a friend, you won't let them do the wrong thing.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Thank you so much for helping me. I can't believe you wrote that just for me :o It does take a while to write.
      There is another guy, in my class this time, who i'm getting attracted to. Especially in music class, i always seem to get in the same group as him. I think my teacher is trying to do something between us... For example, i was seated next to him today. He hurt his leg and was in great pain, but he still sat down. After school, i went to the music room. I was practising the piano, and she came in the room, and asked 'Who were you seated next to again? Was it Amir?' and i said yes. 'You know, he hurt the back of his leg and it hurt him really bad. I seated next to you because he needs someone to wake him up abit during class. If you see he's not paying attention, give him a little nudge.' Of coure i didn't want to annoy him, so i told her that. She just said 'No he won't get annoyed.'
      Maybe she's right.
      Oh yeah, and back when i had to do a group performance. I was left with my friend, and we had to be in a group of 3. Our teacher came to get us and put us in that guy's group with 2 others. Coincidence, eh?
    • Awww yes, what a lovely coincidence. :)

      I read a lot of offline content here before logging in, by which time I'll have got something together to help. But I used to do youth work with Centrepoint in London for homeless young people, so I am used to working with them, and inspiring them.

      You're already willing to help people. It's not about crush, it's a natural way that you seem to have and to reiterate, your actions will draw people to you. Only what is so hard for you is this fear of getting hurt and rejected which holds you back when you're wanting to talk to someone you're attracted to. It isn't easy, but something I found when wiith others, is not try too hard, but instead, just sit back and interact. You don't have to control the conversation or the activity, or have things done a certain way (even if yours is the better one). Just be a participant.

      Another thing I found is laugh. Laugh at myself. Poke fun at myself. People feel at ease around others who don't take themselves too seriously and you can do the same because it works. People enjoy your company that way, and I found I had more friends than ever realised before. I don't go to London so much now since I been sick, but I found the social side something I had to work hard on if, I was to get anywhere. Looking back,e xperiencing things with others is often more enjoyable than experiencing them alone. It is your relationships, Erza, that add depth to your experiences, gives meaning to your actions, and provides great hope for tomorrow.

      Friendship is not a separate relationship of its own. But rather, it is the highest evolution of any particular relationship. When neighbours become friends, when employees become friends, when mates become friends, when children become friends, then you will have entered a whole new depth to your relationships and power the last few years this is what I found.

      Take your time with this other guy you're attracted to. I'll be thinking of you.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.