Girls!! do you find this fetish too weird?

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    • Girls!! do you find this fetish too weird?

      Hey girls, I want to ask you something. I am a teenager, of course interested in girls. Apparently I find those women´s body parts like boobs, butt, face attractive which is normal. However I realized, since I was a kid, I ´ve felt really strong attraction for woman´s forearms and calves. Which is I think.. really strange. When pretty, hot girl rolls up her sleeves it´s an orgasm for me. I love that "meaty" "curvatous" shape and nice skin on the forearm. And same goes with calves. I don´t know why I m attracted to this.. I haven´t found anything about that on the internet.. just some foot fetishes or armit fetish.. (not my case...) I ´ve never told it anyone. When guys are talking about sexy girl, it´d be just weird if I told.. look guys.. she has amazing forearms :P , I think they wouldn´t understand me. Of course I like butt, face and these things... but when there is a sexy girl, and instead of her butt or boobs, I am starring at her forearm, it´s.. strange... Do you have some similar "fetish" ? Girls, Do you think this is too weird?? :?:
    • Peter Man wrote:

      Hey girls, I want to ask you something. I am a teenager, of course interested in girls. Apparently I find those women´s body parts like boobs, butt, face attractive which is normal. However I realized, since I was a kid, I ´ve felt really strong attraction for woman´s forearms and calves. Which is I think.. really strange. When pretty, hot girl rolls up her sleeves it´s an orgasm for me. I love that "meaty" "curvatous" shape and nice skin on the forearm. And same goes with calves. I don´t know why I m attracted to this.. I haven´t found anything about that on the internet.. just some foot fetishes or armit fetish.. (not my case...) I ´ve never told it anyone. When guys are talking about sexy girl, it´d be just weird if I told.. look guys.. she has amazing forearms :P , I think they wouldn´t understand me. Of course I like butt, face and these things... but when there is a sexy girl, and instead of her butt or boobs, I am starring at her forearm, it´s.. strange... Do you have some similar "fetish" ? Girls, Do you think this is too weird?? :?:
      Well , not very usual , but not too weird . Compared to some crazy fetishes like for example ; amputation fetish , car accident fetish , forniphilia , smegma fetish and liquidophelia ... , your fetish is pretty "normal" compared to them ... :D
    • How does one even develop a "fetish"? i mean, you must have embraced some influence for you to have such a craze.
      I think this irrational attraction is VERY weird.
      I have a thing for women with red lipstick or wearing a red dress, but i doubt its a fetish.
      Or if i see a girl eating a cherry.... the best combination in the world... :Drools:
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • B'ni Dhana wrote:

      How does one even develop a "fetish"? i mean, you must have embraced some influence for you to have such a craze.
      I think this irrational attraction is VERY weird.
      I have a thing for women with red lipstick or wearing a red dress, but i doubt its a fetish.
      Or if i see a girl eating a cherry.... the best combination in the world... :Drools:
      And that "thing" you have can be considered fetish ... :D